Torture (8)

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~I do not own DC/MK~
WARNING: title, the title pls.
EXTRA WARNING!!: Listen, don't read this if you can't handle blood and gore, I seriously mean it.


A small voice pleaded, to no one. Kid was still all alone with his detective, and Conan couldn't possibly help him. He didn't know how long it'd been, but his body had stopped moving a while ago, and the pain was still there. His body was too tired to move anymore, he could only weakly clinch his good hand into a shaky fist and hope that the pain would go away soon.
He just wanted this to end already, it hurt so much.
Indigos closed as the thief tried to forget about the pain, but he failed. The unbearable pain in his head had him whimpering none stop, he wanted to scream his lungs out, but he couldn't. He was too weak and tired. His throat hurt and felt rough and dry. Indigos moved slowly to where the thief remembered he last placed the water bottle that'd been handed to him a while back, it was still there, but way too out of reach. Kid closed his eyes and tried not to think about it, tears collected at the corner of his eyes and ran down his cheeks. Everything started going numb, he wasn't sure if it was the drug's effects fading away or if it was him that was fading away, but either way, he was grateful for it.


Spider sighed softly as he turned his computer off. He did another MRI on the other while he was unconscious. He'd thought it'd be worse, but it actually didn't get that much worse. The thief had probably stopped moving sooner than expected.
It didn't take much effort to drag the other back to the room, the thief had lost a lot of weight and was quite light by now. Not enough time had gone by for him to give the thief something to eat in order to keep him alive, there was still plenty of time to watch the thief lose more weight and become weaker and weaker day by day, it was quite entertaining.
He left the other in the room and went to get some stuff he needed for his next "act". This was the fist time he'd be trying this on anyone, he was excited. It'd taken him a lot of time and effort to train his "assistant" for this, so he hoped that it just goes well and that the other doesn't die, he still hadn't had enough fun with him and it would be disappointing if he died too early, most people weren't as fun to play with as Kid was, he was special and he wanted to keep him for as long as possible before he had to get rid of him for whatever annoying reason.


Spider was kinda surprised at what he saw when he entered the room. He found an unconscious Kid with his arms wrapped around the small child, holding him like a teddy bear. He did leave the thief kinda close to the kid but it was still kinda strange that the other actually regained consciousness so quickly, even if it was just for a short amount of time. There must've been a reason for him to wake up. Perhaps a nightmare? Whatever, he needed to get to work.
The assassin pulled out the blue drug and eyed it for a second. The drug was really useful, but it did need some work done for it to do its job efficiently. He dragged the thief away from his friend before starting to undress him, taking in the burn marks and the bruises.


After he'd gotten rid of the other's clothes, he started to inject each and every part of his body with the drug.

"This should do."

He said to himself as he adjusted himself into a more comfortable position, back resting against the wall for support, he really had nothing to do at the moment, so he'llnjust wait until the thief woke up so he could have some fun.


Indigos fluttered open. Kid felt weird. The pain was gone now, there was only just a strong headache that he was kinda used to by now, but something was off, and he didn't know what. He remembered that last time he was awake, he was holding his detective, now he wasn't, but that still wasn't enough to give him that feeling of "something is not right". Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar masked face looking down at him. Immediately, he tried to get up, but couldn't. His eyes narrowed as he tried again, then failed. He tried a third time and failed. That's when he knew that something really was wrong. It wasn't that he was too weak to get up, oh no no, it was that he couldn't even move a finger. He was paralyzed.
Indigos widened slightly at the thought, only slightly before they closed, yes he was surprised at the fact the he was paralyzed, but at the same time, he was now used to Spider trying new things on him. The guy was just being creative.

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