Comfort (10)

226 15 13

~I do not own DC/MK~

Kaito giggled as he ate the last spoonful of his third cup of chocolate mousse. He was just so happy right now, all he could think about was all the attention he received from both of his lovely detectives.
Shinichi and Saguru exchanged glances, knowing that they had something else left to do.


Saguru began softly. Kaito looked up and his best friend, Saguru had a serious expression painted on his face. Seeing that, Kaito put his spoon down and gave Saguru his full attention.
The blonde took in a deep breath, he wasn't sure if he was fully ready for Kaito's reaction, but they needed to solve this. He knew for a fact that once they returned home he'd go back to being all depressed again, he didn't want that to happen.
His hand reached out to hold Kaito's pale, cold hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. Kaito blinked, both of his detectives had the same expression on their faces, it kind of scared him. Was there something wrong?

"We need to talk to you about something."

Kaito blinked again before nodding slowly. He felt Saguru's hand squeeze his hand tighter, Saguru looked nervous to say the least, if the hand that shook while holding his wasn't any indicator.
The blonde turned to Shinichi, earning a nod from the other detective.

"It's about your last heist."

Kaito's whole body tensed, memories of Aoko getting shot and falling dead in his arms flashed through his head. His body shook, but he tried to stay calm as to not attract any unwanted attention. Saguru frowned, he really didn't like seeing Kaito like this. They had to do this, if they were to talk in his house, the other would have another break down, it was better if they do it here, right now, where he was at least a bit more calm and they were in public. Knowing Kaito, he'd do whatever it takes to not attract attention from people, that was the main reason he'd chosen such a crowded place.
The blond detective wished he could hold Kaito's other hand in an attempt to comfort him, but sadly it was held away from him close to the magician's chest by the sling.
The detectives exchanged worried glances, they needed to calm the magician down a little first before they could talk, otherwise he wouldn't understand what they were saying. Shinichi ran his hand through Kaito's hair before forcing the other to look at him.

"Breath Kaito, you're okay."

That was when Kaito realized he was holding in his breath, it was starting to suffocate him. He exhaled a shaky breath and tried to concentrate on the words that came out of Shinichi's mouth.

"Inhale... Exhale... In... Out. Keep going, you're doing well."

Shinichi continued to give Kaito instructions, making sure he spoke as slowly as possible to make it easier for the other to understand.
Both detectives continued to soothe Kaito, Saguru by letting the magician clench his hand for support and rubbing circles on the back of the magician's boney hand, and Shinichi by running his fingers through the other's hair and calming him down by giving instructions and whispering soothing words.
It seemed to work and Kaito seemed noticeably more calm, he was still shaking, but it definitely wasn't as bad as before. Shinichi leaned closer to Saguru and whispered.

"Take him to the restroom and let him wash his face, it'll help calm him down more."

Saguru nodded and got up, letting go of Kaito's hand in the process. Kaito looked up at his best friend confused, Saguru was now standing right next to him, he blinked up at the detective before the other gave his good shoulder a little squeeze, then he understood. Kaito and Saguru were close enough to understand each other just from facial expressions and actions, no words were needed between the two.
Shinichi watched as the magician got up, Saguru wraping an arm around his shoulder when he was fully standing on his feet. Kaito seemed to have a bit of trouble walking, he really wasn't lying about his ankle hurting, suddenly Shinichi was glad he actually carried Kaito and didn't just ignore him. He took a mental note to check Kaito's ankle once they were back home.
Saguru blinked when he saw Kaito barely smiling at him as he dried his face off with some paper towels. Once the magician discarded the damp paper towels into the trash can he turned to Saguru, his smile more visible than before, but now that it was more visible, Saguru could see that it was a sad smile.

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