Visit to the Gym

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~I do not own DC/MK~

"Saguru, I don't wanna go!"

Kaito whined childishly.

"It'll only be for an hour, we'll get out in no time."

Saguru tightened his grip on his magician's hand as they walked down the sidewalk.

"You always say that and we end up staying double the time!"

Saguru laughed.

"You really don't like the gym huh."

Kaito puffed out his cheeks and pouted as he tried to tug his hand free from his boyfriend's strong grip.

"No I don't! You're a detective, you're supposed to know that very well by now!"

Saguru stopped walking and looked back at his boyfriend, a sweet smile curved on his face. It made Kaito blush and look away.

"W-why are you looking at me like that..?!"

Saguru chuckled and brought Kaito's hand up to his lips and kissed its back.

"You're really cute."

Kaito's blush deepened as his tugged his hand away from the blonde's. He pulled the color of his turtleneck shirt up to cover half his face, trying to hide his crimson cheeks.

"S-shut up...!"

The detective's smile widened slightly, satisfied with the deep, beautiful shade of red that dusted the magician's cheeks. He wraped an arm around the brunette's shoulders and pulled him close.

"Look Kaito, see that over there?"

Kaito looked at where his boyfriend's finger pointed, only to see a very busy café. He nodded.
Saguru continued.

"I heard they have the best chocolate desserts there. How about I take us there after the gym?"

Kaito blinked. The offer was very tempting.


He hesitated. Saguru noticed that. He leaned closer and whispered.

"I'll get you everything you want~"

Kaito couldn't resist. Just the thought of a date with Saguru coupled with the sweet taste of chocolate was too tempting.

"You promise?"

Saguru nodded and kissed his boufriend's earlope. Kaito held out his pinky.

"Pinky promise?"

Saguru scoffed, but sealed the promise with his own pinky anyway.

"Of course. Pinky promise."

Kaito smiled cheerfully.

"Okay then!"

Kaito yelped when he felt himself being picked off the ground and thrown over his detective's shoulder.

"O-OI..! What the-"

Saguru started running before the brunette could complete his sentence.

"Well, let's go then!"

Kaito groaned. He really didn't like the gym.
"Saguru, can we leave already? I'm bored!"

Saguru put down his water bottle and wiped the sweat off his forehead.


Kaito groaned.

"C'mon! You're tired, I'm bored, why don't we just leave?!"

Saguru chuckled as his sipped more water.

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