Comfort (7)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Conan frowned. Kid's suit. Where did Kaito get that from? Kid couldn't have possibly given it to him like that, right? No, and it only left one possibility. Kaito was Kid. That must be it. The huge similarity between Kaito's face and Shinichi's face only proved that point.
The chibi detective grit his teeth, Kid was always by his side to comfort him whenever he could, he was always there to help when asked for it, add to that the countless times the thief saved his life. He couldn't just leave Kid like that, he had to help him, but he needed to figure out a good way to approach the thief without causing him to have a panic attack, he looked like he was close to it anyways with the way he was hyperventilating and clutching at both his chest and head.
His hands reached into his pockets, looking for anything that might remotely help the situation, a small gasp escaped his lips when his tiny fingers lightly grazed the outside of a tiny container that Haibara gave him earlier that day in case something bad happened during their trip.
For a split second, a his lips were curved into a smile, helping Kid would be better and a lot easier if he was in his original body. He frantically, yet as quietly as possible opened Kaito's closer and randomly picked out a shirt and a pair of jeans. They should be around the same size.
He gave Kid one last worried glance and his frown deepened, it seemed like it was just getting worse and worse.
His lips moved, barely a whisper.

"Hang in there, I'll be right back."
Kaito didn't know what to do when he saw Kudo Shinichi through his blurry vision, running towards him and kneeling down next to him. He froze for a second and his eyes wandered over to the torn up, bloody suit in his hands before his mind screamed at him to hide. Hide, he had to hide-
Shinichi wasn't surprised when Kaito stood up and ran for the door. Good thing the detective already predicted that to happen and had locked the door once he came in. He very carefully and slowly made his way to the magician, who was clearly having a panic attack at this point. He crouched down a feet away from the trembling teen, it wasn't a good idea to be close to someone having a panic attack, they might just panic more, so he impatiently waited, and waited, until the other's body went limp. Kaito was tired, too tired to notice himself being picked up, he didn't even hear the door unlocking, everything was just blurry. He was placed on something soft and bouncy. His bed. An extra fluffy blanket was draped over his abused body and his first instict was to snuggle into the safe warmth. It felt so nice to be like this after all his energy was drained, especially with the hand threading through his overgrown hair. He couldn't stay awake any longer, he just let sleep embrace him.
Shinichi smiled sadly when he saw the other's indigo eyes close. Kaito needed rest, a lot of it.
His eyes watered as the image of what Kaito looked like after the panic attack ended popped into his mind. He looked like a beaten up animal.
His gently held Kaito's hand in his, it was ice cold and boney, not to mention his bleeding fingertips and one missing nail. That must've been the outcome of tearing at rough, high quality fabric till literally shredding it.
His eyes narrowed. He had to leave with Haibara and the kids tomorrow morning, but he was definitely coming back to check on the other soon, very soon. He wanted an explanation after all, and the thought of Kaito going through that all over again on his own just didn't sound nice.
He knew Kaito would be asleep for a while and won't be able to take them all the way back to Beika, so he took out his phone and sent their location to Agasa, texting him to pick them up tomorrow morning.
Indigos blinking open before closing again. Even though the sunlight was masked out by the curtains, it was still blinding to him, and god, his head hurt. He slowly got up and rubbed at his eyes, trying to get them to focus. His whole body was sore, and he didn't quite remember what happened the night before. Indigos scanned his surroundings, a glass of water, along with a pill and a fold up piece of paper. He reached or the pill and the water first, he knew that pill very well, it was a known brand of painkillers and he took it often when he got badly injured in a heist. He swallowed it down with some water and sighed contently as the water brought his roughed up throat back to life.
He set the glass down and picked up the paper, unfolding it. He knew that hand writing, it was his Tantei-kun's hand writing.

Take the pill, don't do any physical activity, stay in bed, eat, stay hydrated.
I told Hakase to come pick us up so don't go looking for us, stay in bed.
I'll be coming to see you very soon, but until then text me.
I know you have my number.
Don't ignore any sentence written on this paper, idiot.

He smiled softly and laid back down on bed, clutching the note close to his chest. He detective really cared.
The wind blowing softly at his blonde-with-traces-of-dye hair wasn't enough to calm him down, not for a second, and not before checking up on his best friend.
Saguru grit his teeth, when Nakamori told him about Kaito's decision to move, he almost thought it was a joke, if not for Nakamori's expression. The man looked overall horrible, he had to bring Kaito back, not only for Nakamori, but for everyone, including Kaito.

Part 7 y'all!!
This is really a lot longer that what I pictured in my three brain cells •~•
I hope y'all aren't bored of this XD
Only a few more parts to go~
A day ago, I fasted for 33 hrs straight =~=
It wasn't fun, it wasn't easy, but it felt amazing to eat afterwards (❁´◡'❁)

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