Torture (5)

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~I do not own DC/MK~
WARNING: Did you read the title?
Sorry for the long wait...

Kid let out a small sigh, the new clothes were really comfy. A black sweatshirt, sweatpants, and a pair of gloves. He wondered if the other would allow him to keep them on. Probably not since the assassin didn't seem quite fond of the idea of him having nice things.
The clothes were just loose enough that they didn't irritate his injuries, something which was a blessing to him.
Indigos glanced at the little sleeping child. Kid hesitated for a bit before walking over and crouching down next to the small body. A small smile tugged at his lips, Conan was still fine, meaning that he was doing well. He started petting the soft brown locks, the soft texture felt nice, even on his gloved fingers. The thief frowned, was it really safe to leave the kid here on his own? No, it wasn't, but it's not like he had the choice to carry him along-

"Are you done yet?"

Immediately recognizing the voice, the thief's body jolted as he stood up as quickly as he could. Spider was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed and looking unbothered. At least he didn't look annoyed or angry.. Or maybe he was just holding it in to not murder him on the spot.

"Y-yes, I'm really sorry..."

Kid's head hung low, even though the assassin wasn't really looking at him. Spider didn't really say or do anything other than nod towards the exit, so the thief assumed he was good before hurriedly walking through the door, passing Spider in the process. When he was outside of the room and in a dark hallway, he just wanted to make a run for it. He wanted to escape, but of course, he couldn't. He couldn't really go too far with his abused body, so the other would be able to hunt him down in no time before killing both him and his detective.
A second later, he heard the door close behind him before footsteps echoed through the long hallway. The thief was just about to follow the assassin when he felt sharp pain in his neck, then it was almost like he was being forced to follow. Something warm ran down his neck and he knew for sure it was blood. Confused as he walked behind the guy, he started looking for the source of the pain. It was barely visible but he saw it. A thin, clear string stretched between him and the assassin, one end of it disappearing into the assassin's pocket, and the other, he could only assume that it was tied around his neck, keeping him from running away. If he did, his head would fly off. Kid grit his teeth, wasn't this almost the same as putting a dog on a leash?


The thief shivered slightly when the cold night air hit him. It felt kinda nice. The air tickled his face, almost as if comforting him. He couldn't get too comfortable though, he still didn't know what "mission" they were on.
Indigos looked around and spotted something that made the thief jump in happiness, internally. A clock. Finally. He could finally know how long it'd been, or at least estimate it.

12:30 am

His last heist started at that exact time, on the third of January, and since Christmas decorations were still everywhere he looked, he could only assume that it's only been one or two days, three days at most.
They walked for a bit, with the thief sometimes having to lean on random objects for support. Very few people could be seen since it was so late, they were usually drunk from partying, some were even unconscious in random places because of how much they drank. It disgusted Kid, he never understood why people drink.
The thief stopped once he heard the footsteps in front of him stop, then he heard something else. Crying. He could tell it was a little kid.

"Come here, Kid."

The thief obeyed without a second thought. Once he was next to the assassin, he could clearly see a little girl crying in the middle of a kids playground. His heart clenched for the child, she was probably lost.
Kid blinked when he felt a hand snake around his shoulders before he was pulled closer torwards the assassin. The thief kept his head hanging at a low angle, the assassin would probably be able to see his face clearly if he looked up because of how close they were now.
The hand squeezed his shoulder and Kid whimpered, the burns still hurt like hell and he was only just managing to ignore them.

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