Sick Love (2)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

"I'm back!"

The two detectives smiled at the magician, who sat down in his place next to Saguru, making Shinichi very jealous, again.

"I hope you didn't go to the restroom to prepare for a prank that you'll pull on me later."

The magician shrugged and gave Saguru a very Kid-like grin.


Saguru sighed. He knew that really wasn't the reason the magician left. Both him and Shinichi knew that.

"Here's your food, sir."

A plate was suddenly set in front of Saguru on the table. He looked up. The nice waitress was back again with their food. He smiled at her and thanked her. She smiled back and continued to serve Kaito and Shinichi their food.

"Thank you~"

Of course, it was so like Kaito to thank the waitress in such a playful tone and poof out a red rose for her, making her blush while accepting the thornless rose.
After being done with half his food, Kaito let his head rest on Saguru's shoulder and leaned closer to him. He did that quite often when he was feeling a little tired from running and jumping around a lot. He didn't notice the dangerous glare Shinichi was giving his best friend. Saguru smirked.

'Maybe I could tease him a little.'

Shinichi watched with jealousy burning inside him like fire how the blonde detective ran his fingers through his magician's hair, causing the latter to close his eyes and lean into the other more. He grit his teeth and mouthed the words 'back off' to Saguru, but Saguru's smirk only got wider as he slid his hand down from the magician's head to his waist and pulled him closer. Saguru knew for sure that Kaito was asleep by now. Shinichi tried to look away from the scene but couldn't do it anymore when Saguru tilted his best friend's head up and slowly let their lips barley brush. That was it. He couldn't handle it anymore.


Indigos shot open at the sudden, very firm voice.


Kaito looked up and saw Shinichi, his crush, standing and looking as if he just slammed his hands down on the table in anger. Shinichi's face also looked reddened with anger. He looked around. The scene had attracted a lot of unwanted attention from other people in the restraunt. Shinichi was hit with the realization of what just happened and quickly sat down in ebrrassment.

"I-I'm extremely sorry..."

People who once had their eyes on Shinichi shrugged and turned away and continued whatever they were doing before this whole thing happened. Saguru blinked. He didn't know he could trigger such anger in the other detective by just the simple act of a very slight brush of lips with the magician. He had actually kissed Kaito before by accident multiple times, most times were from fangirls pushing their heads together, forcing them to kiss, because they shipped them together. Sometimes, Kaito would catch a glance of his blush and take the chance to deepen the kiss a little before letting go, causing him too go beet red and the fangirls to squeal even louder than before. They didn't have any romantic feelings for each other, they both knew that.
In an attempt to lighten the thick air that was surrounding them, Kaito spoke up.

"Hakuba, let me have a taste of your food!"

Saguru looked over his shoulder at his best friend, who was giving him the biggest puppy eyes. He sighed.

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