Torture (10)

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~I do not own DC/MK~
Last one •~• Finally...

Kid trembled as much as the restraints allowed him to. It was cold, so cold. He was sure that his finger tips and lips were starting to turn blue, it hurt so bad. His teeth were moving against his will, chattering as much as the muzzle allowed them to. The freezing cold metal muzzle dug into his skin due to the motion, and Kid was sure it was going to leave a mark there.
His dull indigo eyes lingered on his detective, was he cold too? He must be, he wasn't wearing nearly enough to protect himself from the cold, just a red sweater and some black pants, he surely would've been shivering if he hadn't been under the influence of that drug.
A few rough coughs escaped his lips, leaving behind a burning sensation in his throat and lungs. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the annoying feeling of always wanting to cough. Of course, he had to be sick after lying on the freezing cold floor for God knows how long. His eyes burned, he felt horrible, was this the common cold or the flu? He didn't know, but he wanted it gone.

A few moment later, the thief heard the door open and close. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what the assassin had in store for him this time, but he was willing to take it, all of it, for his detective.
He cursed his inability to keep away from coughing once a few more coughs escaped him, now the assassin knew that he was weaker than he already was. Tears collected at the corner of his eyes, he really didn't know how much more he could handle. What would happen to his detective if his body just gave up on him...?
His train of thoughts was cut short when he heard the door open and close once again. He blinked in confusion, did the other forget something? Or maybe he changed his plans? Either way, he was still just going to wait there, on the cold floor, tied up, restrained, and in pain, like some sort of a torture toy. He was nothing but that, Spider's torture toy. He knew that very well now, the other had made it clear to him more than once, he really didn't need another reminder, but he was probably still going to get one, unfortunately. It was all his fault for not being as good as he could like he promised himself and his detective.


After what felt like forever, Kid finally heard the sound of the door again.


It had probably only been ten minutes or so, but to him, it felt like an hour, or even more.
The thief couldn't see the assassin, but he did feel him crouch down right behind him. Suddenly, he was ice cold. He started coughing uncontrollably, his lungs and throat feeling as if they were on fire. He gasped for air, but the coughing didn't stop, making it hard for him, almost impossible to breath. He felt his face heating up as tears ran down his cheeks, he didn't know what it was, but he definitely didn't bother asking.
Spider was satisfied. The view in front of him right now was definitely worth going outside in the cold to collect some snow. He then placed the snow right on the other's bare, heated back, causing the thief to almost cough his lungs out. He loved it.
He continued watching until the other seemed to calm down and the coughing seemed to stop. He waited for a moment, listening to the other's heavy panting with satisfaction.
A hand held Kid by his hair tightly, forcing the thief to look at his captor.

"You know what will happen if you repeat it again, don't you?"

Knowing what "it" was, Kid nodded as best as he could with the black leather collar almost choking him.


Then the assassin started untying him. A wave of relief washed over him once he was free of the restraints. He didn't mind the black collar staying, even if it was humiliating, be was just glad that he was able to move again and not have something digging into his jaw.
Kid wasn't that affected when he saw a long knife come out of the other's black clothes, God knows where the guy put it.
At the assassin's expecting look, he lay down, kinda disappointed to be back again on the cold floor. Then he just let everything happen. He felt each and every cut. He felt the knife cut deep into his skin, reopening old wounds and drawing irregular shapes. Spider wasn't exactly drawing anything, and to anyone else, it just looked like a bloody mess, but to him, it looked like a masterpiece.

'So fucking beautiful.'

He thought as he watched the blood flow freely though every new cut he made.


"Stay still."

The assassin said as he moved his bloody fingers closer to Kid's deep indigo eyes. He wanted them.
Kid's body trembled with fear, but he held his head as still as possible while the other held his eye opened.

'Please please please-'

Just when Spider was about to get what he wanted, something punched him in the face, with force so hard that he actually flew and fell back a bit.
When he looked back, curious as to know what hit him that hard, to his surprise, he saw the little detective, crouching down next to Kid. He cursed mentally, he really forgot to drug the child up. He was too focused on thinking of knew torture games for Kid. Next to him, there was a deflated soccer ball. He'd seen the kid use it a few times, so it was definitely him.

'That little brat.'

He stood up and clearly saw Kid sitting, shaking and sobbing in fear as he held Conan close to him, bloodying the small child. He smirked, poor thing. He probably knew what was about to happen.
Conan tried to think of anything else to do, that was the last ball he had, and he'd used his watch on Kid during the heist so he basically had nothing. He glared at the assassin with pure hatred. Kid's been tortured, and it was clear as day who did it. His hatred for the other grew like fire when he heard Kid whisper small "please don't"s. Knowing Kid, the thief had probably willingly let himself get tortured... for him, so he wouldn't get killed...

"You bastard."

Spider laughed at the insult.

"Who taught you such mean words? It's definitely not him, is it?"

The assassin nodded towards Kid, who was staring at him with pure fear in his eyes as he tired to hide his detective away from him. Spider wasn't going to let that happen.
In a blink of an eye, Conan was snatched away from Kid's weak grip and harshly thrown against the wall. More tears flew down the thief's face as he tried to stop the assassin from getting closer to his detective, who was now on his knees, gasping for air due to the high impact of the hit. Spider just effortlessly kicked him away. He smirked as he approached the little child and took out the long knife from before, he couldn't wait to tie Kid up and force him to watch his dead friend's corpes get dismembered.
He raised his arm up and brought it down hard, aiming for the child's head. Blood splattered onto the floor. Spider thought he succeded, but when he looked back down, he saw that... It was Kid. He hit Kid. Right in the head. He grit his teeth as he let go of the knife, letting Kid's body fall onto the bloody floor, lifeless. Anger made itself present in his chest, the thief had somehow managed to come in and take the hit instead of Conan.
He just killed the best torture toy he ever had...

Conan stared with wide eyes at Kid's lifeless body. Sapphire burned.


That can't be true. He tried shaking the other, but it was in vain. Kid was dead.


Tears ran down his cheeks, Kid didn't deserve this. He didn't even get the chance to thank the thief for protecting him...
He felt himself being picked up and thrown against the wall again, harder this time, then he was getting brutally beaten by Kid's killer. Conan wished he was able to do anything, anything at all, but he really couldn't. He didn't have the upper hand here, and he was too distracted by Kid's corpes in the corner to think straight.
As Spider continued crushing him, he just kept reminding himself that what was happening to him was not even comparable to what Kid his gone through...just to protect him.

The end~
I never said this was going to have a happy ending •~•
And y'all wanted Conan to wake up, right? ^~^
Maybe the ending is kinda disappointing but it was the best one I could think of for this, everything else just didn't make sense.
Tell me what y'all think~
Feel free to be burtally honest °-°

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