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~I do not own DC/MK~

Saguru stared suspiciously at his best friend. If they weren't best friends by now, he would've been jumping up and down, he would've been overjoyed, but since he'd been close friends with Kaito since he could remember, it was just annoying and.. disturbing to see the other so quiet. He looked almost scared. What the hell was wrong with the magician?
Kaito had never been quiet. Always loud. Heck he even sleeps loudly! Tossing and turning and falling off the bed-
How did Saguru know all that? Well, when Kaito asked to come live with him after his mom, Phantom Lady, passed away in a car crash, he couldn't say no. He just couldn't. It was normal for someone as sensitive as Kaito to not want to live in a place where he shared memories, both happy and sad, with a dead someone whom he loved so much. Do he said yes.
The first few weeks, maybe even months with Kaito had been just how he expected them to be, loud, messy, and full of confetti -and joy-, but suddenly, it all just stopped, and now Kaito, his best friend AND sometimes roommate was sitting quietly, staring at his chocolate pancakes with an almost disgusted face.
It bothered Saguru so fucking much, but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to seem nosey. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with it for so long. A detective's curiosity was nothing to beat after all.
Golden brown eyes stared at the figure that lay on his couch, motionless. FUCKING MOTIONLESS. Saguru's eyes twiched in annoyance. It was true he wasn't so fond of the magician's loudness and pranks, but it was what made Kaito.. well, Kaito. It was what made him himself.
One of the reasons why Saguru agreed to let Kaito stay with him was because he just needed some company. When the other moved in with him, he realized something, Kaito's magic tricks were almost like real magic. They protected him. From what? Meltdowns, stress, anxiety, worry, and more and more and more, the list went on and on and on. They were almost what kept him sane through the stressful life that came with being a detective. They healed him.
Now that one reason for letting Kaito in was almost -not almost- destroyed! It was like the other was not even there, like he didn't even exist! It was fucking annoying and disturbing.
Saguru wondered what the bloody hell was going on through magician's wild head as he continued to lay down and stare at the ceiling.
Saguru almost growled when Kaito rose a hand as an indicator that he didn't want the chocolate ice cream Saguru offered him. That was way too unlike Kaito. This wasn't even Kaito anymore. Even when the magician was sick, he never refused his favorite food, not even when he was full after having a big meal.
The blonde sighed and went to place the frozen treat back into his ridiculously huge freezer. He wanted to talk with Kaito, to ask him what was wrong, what bothered him -what scared him- but he knew Kaito well enough to know that the magician won't spell a word in order not to cause any worries. Saguru never thought he would even think about saying this, but damn his fucking kindness.
Something was wrong, it was as clear as daylight, but the half-brit chose again to stay quiet, hoping that the magician will be back to normal soon.
Shock and fear hit Saguru right in the chest when he heard a scream coming from one of the guest rooms, specifically, the one Kaito stayed at. That was it. It was too much. It was getting out of hand. It was getting out of control. He had to do something -fucking do something you idiot- right now. It was now or never.
Kaito screamed his lungs out and went on writhing back and forth, up and down on his bed. He cluched his head tightly and tugged at his greasy brown locks harshly, tearing quite a few strands out. His head throbbed like crazy. He couldn't remember how many fucking times he'd had the same fucking nightmare. It was tearing him apart and destroying him! Every night, even everyday, the same fucking nightmare replayed itself over and over again.
He let out a chocked cry as he remembered the scene where he killed the Nakamori's. He'd killed them with his own hands, using his own fucking card gun.
The magician's body trembled uncontrollably when he heard someone burst into the room -someone that'll accuse him of killing them-. He was scared, terrified.

"You killed them."

"N-no I didn't...!"

"Yes you did."


"You saw it with your own eyes."


"You killed them all."

"I didn't..."

"You're a criminal."

Saguru grit his teeth as Kaito continuously kicked him in the gut, trying to get him to let go. He held Kaito in a tight grip, refusing to let go. He knew it wasn't the right thing to do in this situation, but he really couldn't think straight at this point. He just wanted Kaito's screaming to stop, he wanted Kaito to calm down, he wanted it to end. Although Saguru didn't know what Kaito was saying about "not killing anyone", he did know that whatever that thought was, he must erase it off the other's mind as soon as possible. This just couldn't go on any longer. It needed to stop. Now.
Kaito's screaming and crying intensified as he pointed his card gun at his parents.


He even through his own screams, he was able to hear the nonexistent click of his card gun as it shot right at-


He balled his eyes out into his own hands as he grew too tired to continue fighting. He was tired, really tired.
Saguru looked down sadly at Kaito's sleeping, tear stained face. A small frown and slightly still quivering lips decorated his face.
He reached down and wiped a stray tear away. Tears didn't suit Kaito. Everyone knew that.
The blonde blinked when he saw indigos slowly blink open as he gently laid the other down back on the messy bed. He smiled. He needed to make Kaito know that everything was okay.

"How are you feeling, Kuroba-kun?"

The reply came out weak and shaky.

"I'm sorry..."


Kaito blinked before weakly turning his head away. The blonde leaned in closer.

"It was just a nightmare, Kuroba-kun. It disappeared, didn't it?"

A small nod.

"Do you know what that means?"

A shake of the head.

"It's not real."

Kaito blinked dumbly before turning his head to the other. Saguru was smiling. He wasn't mad at him. So it was true. Nothing of that was real. Not even the quietest click of his card gun was real.

"I believe you."

Saguru's smile widened slightly when he saw a small smile appear on the other's face. It was comforting.

I'm currently writing this at 12 am TwT
I'm going to sleep now~
Hopefully I won't have any nightmares ;-;

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