Messing with the Wrong Person

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Kenzou was just passing by when he heard a loud, familiar yelp followed by a thud coming from the inspector's office.
Alarmed, he rushed through the door in a hurry only to find Ginzo on the floor next to his desk, covered in confetti and glitter. The task force member blinked at the sight, that looked like one of Kid's pranks.


He called out as he hesitantly took a few steps closer, there might be another Kid trap set somewhere. He was a bit concerned, the thud he heard was quite loud.
Once he was crouching down by the inspector's side, he heard the other mutter a few swear words before looking up, confused.

"What the fuck just happened?"

After helping the inspector up, Kenzou brushed some of the confetti and glitter off of the guy's shoulder. He mentally winced, the glitter kinda ruined Ginzo's suit. Yeah, sure, it was temporary, but Ginzo was going to be sparkly for the rest of the day, and they were still at the beginning of the day too...

"It looks like one of Kid's pranks."

Ginzo took one look at himself before letting out a groan and starting to cuss the thief out, even though he wasn't there to hear it.

"That little fucking bitch and his stupid fucking pranks-"

Kenzou sighed as he continued to brush off confetti and glitter, he hated seeing things messy. He was going to avoid looking at the inspector for the rest of the day. The man looked down at the sparkly floor with an annoyed look, he was probably going to avoid entering the room too, at least until it got cleaned.
Ginzo was still cussing by the time Kenzou was done.

"Keibu, do you want me to get someone to clean this up?"

There was no way he was going to let his inspector work in a glitter filled office. It would probably make the inspector even more sparkly, thus making him want to avoid the guy even more.

'Damn that thief.'

He understood why the inspector was still cussing.

"Sure, go ahead."

Ginzo mumbled as he dismissed the other with a wave
Once he heard the door open and close, he leaned against the window and watched the cars pass by, trying to calm himself down.
Everytime he thought he had finally calmed down, one glance at his glitter covered workspace made him turn back to the window with a groan. How the hell did the thief even manage to set some glitter and confetti to explode at him once he opened the drawers?!
A few minutes later, Ginzo saw the white flash of a camera. His eyes shut closed, he rubbed them desperately trying to get rid of the spots dancing in his vision.

"What the fuck?!"

"Swearing is bad, Keibu."

Ginzo immediately recognized that sickly sweet, smooth voice.


The thief only chuckled, even though his ears were bleeding. He waved the camera in front of the other and watched the anger grow with pure amusement.

"You look quite good covered in pink glitter, Keibu."

A wink from the thief sent Ginzo flying at the window, only to hit the glass. Kid laughed, the inspector looked funny all pressed up against the window like that.
Ginzo went red in the face as he quickly unlocked the window and opened it before reaching out to grab the teasing fucker. Kid just swiftly and effortlessly moved to the other side of the window, away from the other's reach.

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