Sad (3)

250 15 40

~I do not own DC/MK~

Saguru sighed in relaxation and leaned back in his arm chair as Kaito's skilled fingers continued to press down gently and massage his shoulders.
The magician chuckled. The blonde looked blessed.

"Why do you even need a massage at such a young age?"

Saguru's eyes cracked open at the question.

"I don't have as much freetime to play as you do, Kuroba-kun. I have my back bent over a case file most of the time."

Kaito chuckled and pressed down a little harder, causing the other to close his eyes again and let out a small sound of appreciation.

"That's what detectives get for being so nosey~"

Saguru was too focused on the relaxing sensations to even comprehend what the magician just said. He heard him, just didn't bother to even understand. It felt too good. He thanked the gods for having a magician as a friend. Magicians had the best and most skilled fingers.
Saguru couldn't help but envy Kaito's future partner. Sex would be amazing with him.
Kaito shivered when he felt the tense muscles of Saguru's neck. It must've given him a really hard time if Saguru really had his back bent over cases most of the time like he said.
A small, barely audible moan escaped Saguru's lips when he felt skilled fingers press gently and skillfully against his tense neck muscles.

"Hey, Saguru?"

The detective sighed in annoyance. Why was the magician so goddamn talkative?! He just wanted to enjoy his massage in peace.


Kaito smirked and pressed in a way that sent shocks down the other's spine. He was pleased when he heard a small gasp coming from the other.


He completely let go of the blonde and watched as the other sank down in his coshioned chair. The detective lifted his head up and glared at the magician with pure venom in his golden brown eyes.

"You little bastard."

Kaito, completely ignoring the other's insult towards him, sat on the chair's arm and smiled innocently.

"I want ice cream for my hard work~"

Saguru pulled himself and sat up straight. He knew what the magician really was saying, 'I'm not doing this for free, buy me the most expensive chocolate ice cream you bastard'.
He knew Kaito well enough. With a sigh, he got up and pulled the magician by his arm.
Kaito walked next to his blonde friend. All he did was admire the masterpiece of sugary distraction he held in his hand. Their was a beautiful swirl of double chocolate ice cream on a fresh, still warm, chocolate waffle cone. The chocolate swirl was topped off with white chocolate shavings and some fricking gold flakes.
He heard an irritated sigh.

"Are you going to eat it or not, Kuroba? It was expensive you know?"

It barely made a dent in his wallet, but he was not the type to waste money. He heard an oddly loud gulp coming from the magician. When he glanced at said magician, he saw pure amazement.

"Am I really allowed to eat this...?"

The magician didn't even feel himseld pulled by the arm for the second time that day and set down on a bench in a public park. His eyes were set on the ice cream. The way it glistened in the sunlight, the way the gold flakes glowed reflected the light, the way it melted as a thick, creamy droplet ran down his fingers, the way the waffle cone seemed to be slowly absorbing the melted chocolate sweetness and oh-

"Is it illegal to marry ice cream?"

Saguru blinked.

"..... What...?"

No answer.
The blonde slowly and silently took out his phone and snapped a picture of his dazed looking friend. He looked like a kid outside a candy shop staring at the different kinds of sugary concoctions. Mouth hanging open, drooling, eyes wide with excitement-
Oh Kaito was a kid in so many ways.


As soon as the word left his mouth, the magician started devouring the ice cream, not caring that he was almost feeding this nose too.
Saguru quickly took another pic and sent it to Aoko with the other one, earning a bunch of crying laughing emojis. His smile faded slightly. The magician looked so happy right now, but what about later? He sighed and frowned as he watched the ice cream disappear from the other's hand, determined to uncover his friend's problem.


He glanced at his smiling from ear to ear friend, hands and lower part of his face completely covered in chocolate, there was even a small smudge on the dead middle of his forehead. He snapped another pic, earning a protesting groan from the other, but he knew he wouldn't dare do anything after Saguru had just got him the best ice cream he probably ever tasted in his life. He sent the pic to Aoko and didn't bother to wait for the response even when he saw that his message was read and 'typing...' at the top. They needed to get the magician cleaned. Unwanted attention was unwanted.
"How was the ice cream, Kaito-kun?"

Kaito blinked in surprise. How did the inspector know?
He received his answer pretty quickly when Aoko waved her phone in his face, it showed text messages between her and Saguru, with three embarrassing pics of him admiring his ice cream and devouring it slipped in there.

'Hakuba you little-'


He was snapped out of his thoughts when a plate of steamy, delicious looking stew was set in front of him. It looked and smelled oddly familiar somehow.

"Eat up. Aoko made it just for you."

Kaito looked up at his childhood friend. She was looking with pure fire and determination in her eyes.

"Aoko made it just for you, Bakaito! You better finish it all!"

'Aoko hopes she made it correctly...'

Kaito looked back down at the stew and noticed a blue spoon sitting next to the plate. He recognised that spoon. It was the one he'd chose from the supermarket and labeled it as his when he was little. He remembered how his parents used to use it to stir their beverages just to annoy him. A small smile crossed his face. He remembered how hard he cried when he couldn't find it one day. He felt kinda bad that he forgot about it. He picked up his blue spoon, it felt so little, like it was meant for a 6 or 7 year old, which it was.
He spooned up a bit of the stew, making sure to get a bit of everything in one bite. Aoko watched the spoon enter his childhood friend's mouth and escape. She saw the magician's face light up and his body jolt slightly. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad sigh...


She jumped a little. His voice was.. thick and sweet, just like honey.

"You're the best."

Her face lit up with excitement.

'Aoko succeeded!'

Aoko noted to thank Chikage for giving her her own recipe for the stew she used to cook when Kaito was little. This was the happiest she saw Kaito in a while.

Part 3 done~~~
Part 4 coming soon~
I don't really like stew, but it seemed to oddly fit with this 0.o
I had colorful chocolate that had a bit of gold leaf on it before~
That's where the ice cream part came from ٩( ᐛ )و
It was reeeeeaaaaaally goooooood ˙˚ʚ(´◡')ɞ˚˙

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