
416 17 12

~I do not own DC/MK~
BerryBerryBlitz said that I should continue with this thing instead of ending it here cuz I'm still too far away from 100 parts, so I've decided to end it at 50 parts instead of 40 :p
I might make another oneshots book in the future ^~^

The sleepy magician slipped under his blanket and pulled it up as high as he could without covering his eyes. The moonlight that easily entered the room despite the glass of the window gently grazed his face. Despite the glow of the moon being soft, light, and delicate, the tired teen viewed it as a stupid flashlight that shone at his eyes to keep him awake for not reason.
An irritated sigh escaped his chapped lips and he coughed a little. He needed water.
Luckily, the teen had already placed a bottle of water on his little nightstand table before slipping into his bed, so there was no need to get up. The idea of leaving his bed didn't seem so appealing at the moment.
The magician took a few sips of water, his muscles relaxing ever so slightly at the comforting feeling of slightly cool water running down his throat, as if giving it life.
As he set the bottle back down to where it didn't really belong on his nightstand, he lay back down on his side, facing the window, exposing himself to the mocking moonlight.
He hated nights like this one, ones where he couldn't sleep nor had anything useful to do. It brought him painful, unnecessary headaches. He groaned as his head continued to throb, the pain wasn't too bad, but he knew from experience that it would get worse. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to ignore the pain and to get some badly wanted sleep, but failed miserably.
Kaito jumped a little when he heard someone enter his room. His eyes snapped wide open, but he didn't bother to turn to the source of the sound. He was too tired. It was late at night and he was not expecting guests.


Kaito's shoulders relaxed when he heard the inspector's voice echo softly through the room.


He wanted to get up to greet the inspector, but his bed just felt too warm and comfortable. He felt the bed sink next to him. It only caused him to turn on his bed and snuggle closer to his beloved inspector.
Nakamori sighed and gently ruffled the magician's unruly hair.

"Why are you still awake, Kaito-kun?"

Kaito buried his face into his blanket in frustration. He didn't know what it was, insomnia? Discomfort? Thoughts? A mix of all of them?

"I don't know.."

Nakamori frowned. The magician sounded tired and weak. His daughter was right when she'd told him earlier that night that something was wrong with her childhood friend. Something was definitely wrong. The inspector gently messaged the other's scalp, receiving a small sound of appreciation from the magician in return. Kaito leaned into the touch, noticing how much of a great job it did at eliminating the stupid, annoying, painful headache. Sadly, the inspector stopped and he groaned mentally. Thankfully the headache stayed dull and didn't intensify. He felt the inspector jolt slightly and he wondered what was wrong.
Frustration flooded through Nakamori when he saw quite a few brown strands of Kaito's hair fall out onto his hand as he ran his fingers through the brown locks.

"Have you been eating well, Kaito-kun? It's been a few days since you had dinner with us."

Nakamori was furious. He wanted to yell at the boy, but he decided against it, knowing it wouldn't really help poor Kaito. The hairloss could've been caused by stress, but he was sure the boy wasn't eating well. He was sickly pale and too skinny. A frown appeared on his face. He'd noticed the boy was getting weaker and weaker as the days passed, but he had hope in the magician that he wasn't neglecting his health. He'd thought it was just because the magician was busy.

'I should've confronted him about this before it got this bad...'

Kaito thought for a moment.
When was the last time he'd eaten anything?
He only remembers when Aoko had forced a cookie down his throat three days ago.

'I've been starving myself?'

Or was it just his memory becoming weak? No, the heist from the night before went very well, and he didn't have any trouble memorizing the building's layout or the information about the task force member he was disguised as.


He couldn't admit it to the inspector. He didn't even notice he was starving himself.
He heard an annoyed sigh and immediately felt bad, for hurting himself, even if it was unintentional, and for worrying the people around him.

"I'll be right back."

Kaito felt Nakamori get up and heard the door close a short moment after.
He groaned. He probably disappointed the inspector.

'I should be better than that...'
"Here. This might help you get some sleep."

Kaito sat up and stared at the mug the inspector held out for him. Once he had in in his own hands, he immediately felt relaxed. The cup's warmth was comforting. When he looked in the cup, he saw nothing but white, a little greyish because of the dark.
Warm milk.
A small smile made its way to his lips. His father used to get him some warm milk in his favorite mug whenever he couldn't fall asleep.
Nakamori smiled at the little magician and pulled him close as he sat back down. The spot where he sat before was still a little warm. He was happy that he didn't make the magician wait for too long.
Kaito felt his chest warm up as he took the first sip, the second sip only made him shrink down and lean into his inspector's embrace and let the warmth devour him.
The milk was sweet, it probably had a teaspoon of sugar stirred in it. It was just how his father always prepared it for him. He wondered how the inspector knew about that little tiny detail that made all the difference for him. He really didn't like plain, boring milk.
A small giggled escaped Kaito's lips when a happy memory popped up in his head.
He remember how he'd spilled the milk on the carpet when he was six and got scolded by his mother because of it.
He remembered his father calming his mother down and laughing when she'd argue by saying that she'd just finished cleaning the whole house.
He remember how little six year old him had felt bad for his mother and started a failed attempt at trying to clean up the carpet using some tissues. It made more mess, but it did a great job at calming his mother down.
Nakamori's smile widened when he felt Kaito fall asleep in his arms. Thankfully, the magician had already finished his milk before he fell asleep so the bed sheets were ok and there was no need to do laundry and possibly wake the magician up when it was past 12 in the middle of the night.
Once Nakamori had washed the cup and checked on Kaito, who looked like he was having the happiest dreams, he left the Kuroba residence and went back to his own house, not wanting Aoko to wake up to being alone in the the house. When he'd over thought about his daughter's complains about the magician, he'd decided to check on him, even though it was pretty late. He'd thought that his daughter was just exaggerating as she did often but now that he'd seen the magician like this...

'The problem isn't solved yet, but hopefully this was a good first step...'

Hopefully Aoko won't complain as much about her childhood friend tomorrow.

Part 2 coming soon~~~
I'm finally out of the hospital!
FINALLY ∩( ✧Д✧)∩
It was sooooo boring in there ('⌒`;)
A pot of boiling water fell on my head ( *¯ ³¯*)
Thankfully, no plastic surgery is needed since it's mostly on my back
It barely touched my face :)
Hopefully I'll keep up with the schedule from now on
I also need to catch up with my favorite fanfics (∩'﹏'∩)

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