Comfort (8)

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~I do not own DC/MK~

Even through Kaito was asleep, he still felt the bed sink next to him. He woke up, but didn't bother opening his eyes, it was probably Shinichi or something. He felt a pair of hands flip him onto his back. It was much more comfy that way, considering the fact that he'd probably dislocated his shoulder last night while trying his hardest to open the bathroom door. God, it was a painful memory to think about-


Kaito jolted up, feeling sharp pain in his dislocated shoulder. He knew that his Tantei-kun just did the twisty thing to get his shoulder back to normal, but it still fucking hurt! He turned to face him.


Only to be met with Saguru's face. The blonde let out an irritated sigh at the other's reaction.

"Good morning to you too, Kuroba."

Indigos narrowed.

"What are you doing here?"

Saguru sighed. There was no escaping it now, it was better it he got straight to the point.

"Please come back-"

"No. Now get out."

Saguru's eyes widened. He didn't expect that type of treatment from his best friend out of all people.

"B-but why? Everyone needs you, please come back..."

Kaito shook his head as he pulled his knees to his chest and hugged them close.
He couldn't go back, if he did, the he'd be risking everyone around him getting hurt.
His fists clinched. He knew that no matter how much he pushed either Saguru or Shinichi away, they would still stay. Stupid detective, do they want to get themselves killed? And because of him...
Saguru looked down at his lap.

'He won't listen...'

Golden brown eyes wandered towards Kaito's body, all beaten up, skin a sickly pale color and bones sticking out and easily visible. He wasn't surprised to be honest, being Kaito's best friend, he knew him well enough to know that he'd blame himself and literally beat himself over Aoko's death, that was just how the magician was. Kaito really needed to learn that not everything bad that happened near him was his fault.
Actually, it was almost never his fault when something bad happened. The poor magician really didn't deserve anything of what was happening to him.
A small gasp escaped Kaito's lips when he felt a pair of strong yet gentle arms wrap around him. He wanted to push Saguru away, but he couldn't, it just felt so nice like this. He missed Saguru's hugs, they were warm and made him feel so safe and secure. He couldn't help but lean closer into the other's embrace. A small, satisfied sigh escaped his lips when he felt the arms tighten around him and pull him closer. He felt so safe like this, but something felt kinda weird, it almost felt as if Saguru was hugging him because he was afraid he'd disappeared into this air.
He felt the blond shake slightly and heard a soft, muffled sobbing sound. Saguru was crying, because of him. Why did he always have to mess up?! Why did he always cause pain to those he loved and cared about?!
Both teens, Saguru too focused on Kaito, and Kaito too lost in his own thoughts, didn't notice the door opening and a third teen slipping in.
Shinichi frowned at the sight, it was painful and heartbreaking to see.
He sighed softly and decided to leave the two together.
He went downstairs to the kitchen, he was craving coffee, and lucky for him, he remembered seeing a good quality coffee machine in one of the kitchen's corners. It just needed some cleaning then it was ready to work. The coffee loving detective didn't bother looking around the kitchen for coffee beans, he just reached into his pocket and got out a bag of black coffee beans that he carried around in case of emergencies.
Saguru blinked when he saw Kaito's doubleganger sitting on the couch in the living room, drinking what looked like plain black coffee. When Kaito was still awake before he'd fallen asleep in his arms, he didn't say anything about anyone living with him, he especially didn't mention the original form of a certain shrunken detective.


Shinichi looked up from his coffee at the call of his name. He smiled at the blond and nodded.

"It's a temporary antidote."

Saguru was one of the very few people who knew about his story.
The blond nodded in understanding before walking and sitting next to the other detective.

"What brings you here?"

Kaito's knew house had no lock so anyone could get in, but really there was no need for it, people were scared to come here anyways, and even if someone did, Kaito would be perfectly fine.
Shinichi set his half finished coffee on the coffee table and turned to the blond, taking in the look of the other's blood shot eyes, they contrasted really well with his blond hair.

"I came here to check on him. Two days ago, I witnessed one of his.. Breakdowns, I guess. It was horrible and I just had to make sure that it wasn't going to happen again, at least not any time soon."

Saguru nodded. He'd seen Kaito breakdown before a couple of times and bloody hell it was scary, he was pretty sure he prayed that the other won't end up with brain damage, in his defense though, it was possible, very possible.

"What are you doing here?"

Saguru was pulled out of his thoughts, he was thankful for it because memories of Kaito thrashing on the floor of his kitchen stated flashing through his mind.
He didn't want to remember any bit of that.
Golden brown eyes looked down, his plain white socks seemed more interesting than Shinichi's blue sapphire eyes for some reason.

"I just wanted him to come back."

Shinichi tilted his head slightly in question.

"I assume that's something related to his personal life?"

Saguru blinked. Oh that's right, Shinichi didn't really know anything about Kaito, only about Kid.
A small smile tugged at his lips, he was sure Kaito wouldn't mind Shinichi knowing about all the Kid stuff and his reasons for it, after all, it seemed like Shinichi was going to be with them for a while, or at least until Kaito's better.

Part 8! >~<
This should've been a mini book or something •^•
Meh, who cares! XP
How are y'all doing in quarantine?
Online school sucks, it really does(;へ:)

~DC/MK One-Shots~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora