Comfort (6)

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~I do not own DC/MK~


Kaito pouted. He was so close to winning. He smiled at the smirking detective and clapped. Conan smirk turning into a soft smile. The guy was fun.

"It was a close game. You're really good."

A light shade of pink dusted Kaito's cheeks. How did his detective know about his praising kink?


With quick, swift movements, the magician packed up the game and stood up, almost falling as he did so, his legs fell asleep. God, how long did the game last? He glanced at the grandfather clock. 11:30 pm.

"It's been more than three hours."

Kaito turned to Conan, who was stretching, attempting to get the feeling of sitting down for too long away. It wasn't a good feeling.
Kaito chuckled and decided to give a small compliment.

"You're one smart cookie."

The game wouldn't have lasted that long if he wasn't. Conan raised a brow at the choice of words. What was he, a ten year old? Conan had dealt with a lot of people in his life, but even the youngest of them never called him that! Okay, maybe a certain someone did... A certain thief...

"May I ask how old you are?"

Kaito blinked before looking away, pouting slightly. He wasn't that childish, come on people!


He grumbled. His tantei looked more dumbfounded than anything.

"Are all magicians this childish?"

Kaito's body jolted at the question. Since when did Conan know any magician other than Kid? Was he calling Kid, his moonlight gentleman thief persona childish?!

"W-what do you mean?"

Conan groaned, memories of Kid being childish flooded his mind.

"Nevermind. I'm going to bed, good night."

Kaito blinked.


Conan sweatdropped and turned to face Kaito one last time.

"You sure you're seventeen?"

A small pout and puppy eyes took over the magician's face.

"You don't believe me?"

The detective snorted as he turned and made his way up the stairs. Stupid childish magicians.
Conan lay there in his bed, he'd choosen to sleep in another room alone, away from the others' snoring. To his pleasure, Kaito didn't have any problem.
He tossed and turned around, unable to sleep even though he was tired. Here we go again, another night of insomnia.
There wasn't really anything exciting happening these days, not that he wished for people to start dropping dead in front of him but he just hated not having anything to do, or any mystery to solve. His mind averted to Kid. He missed the thief's riddles, he missed exposing his disguises and tricks in front of everyone, he missed chasing the thief, he missed the feeling of almost getting a hold of the the guy's white cape but messing it in the end.
Kid was one of the very few people who he could act..normally around, act like Shinichi, like himself. He could fully be himself around Kid.
Now that he thought it through, he didn't hate it when Kid acted childish, actually, he kinda liked it, it made him feel like a grown up, it made him forget about Conan, instead of having people rule him around, he was actually the one telling Kid do this and do that, and the best part, Kid wouldn't complain, at least not too much. He might let out a groan or two but that was it. It was one of the reasons he liked the other's company, but there's no way in hell he'd ever admit it. He closed his eyes and sighed, savoring the memories. He actually couldn't wait for the next Kid heist, but he knew it wouldn't come any time soon. He'd heard about someone getting shot dead at the end of the last heist, and from what little things he knew about the thief, he's probably traumatized or something by now. Conan sighed. He was used to seeing people get killed, but Kid? It must be hard for the guy.
A string of rough coughs echoed through the room. He needed water.
The chibi slipped out of bed, landing on his feet and causing the floor to creak softly. Damn this squeaky house, he didn't want to wake anyone up.
He took a deep breath and started walking as slow as he could, his azure eyes set on the door. Once he reached it, he twisted the slightly rusty knob as slow as he could, yet the damn door still made the loudest squeak. You never realize how loud things actually are until you do them at 1 in the morning.
Cussing under his breath, he finally made it out of his room. Looking around, he saw that Kaito's bedroom door was open a crack. Ah shit, he probably woke the poor guy up. There was no one so be seen in the long, slightly creepy hallway.

'Maybe he's somewhere downstairs looking for an intruder?'

He sighed. He was going downstairs to the kitchen anyways so might as well find the guy and put an end to his worries.
'Weird, he's not here? He's still in his room?'

It was weird to see a magician's door left open, even if it's just a crack. From what he learned about magicians from Kid, they liked to be quite private so that no one would be able to expose their tricks. It could be just the old door being annoying, right? He'll check just in case, but first, water.
Conan blinked. The door was now closed. He didn't even hear it closing! Maybe that was the only good door in the house? Maybe. But if not.. Nah, he didn't believe in ghosts.
As he got closer to his own room, which was the closest to Kaito's out of all the other ones, he started hearing some whimpering. He stopped dead in he tracks and listened closely. It didn't sound like a little kid, so it wasn't any of the detective boys. His eyes wandered over to Kaito's bedroom door, almost having a staring contest with it. Okay, the whimpering was coming from there, he won.
The detective took slow, cautious steps towards the door, the whimpering getting louder and louder each step he took. He stopped right in front of the door. Something felt off. It was almost like the door was begging him to please open it and get in the damn room, but he couldn't just do that, could he.
Standing on his tip toes, he did his best to hold onto the doorknob for support without accidentally opening the door. Sapphire eyes scanned the room through the keyhole. The room was dark, slightly luminated by the moonlight coming from the window and more luminated by the light that came from the attached bathroom. Kaito was in the bathroom, and he was whimpering, not probably crying, just trying to muffle it to not wake anyone up. Conan frowned. It sounded like pure pain and agony. He couldn't just stand there and do nothing but listen.
He opened the door, it didn't made a single sound. Huh, as expected, no ghosts.
As soon as he got in, he closed the door back behind himself and got on all fours, before crawling towards the bathroom as quietly as possible. He got close enough that he was able to hear the sound of clothes being torn, he wasn't close enough to see what was going on though. He crawled till he was sitting behind the bathroom door, he didn't was to startle Kaito before knowing what was actually going on. Maybe talking to him right now wasn't the best idea, who knows.
The detective peeked his head from behind the door and froze, Kaito was there, shirtless, sickly skinny, covered in all types of bruises, cuts, and burns, his wrists bloody, and- oh god, Conan wanted to puke. There was a very visible mark of something that had been wrapped tightly around his neck. He was trying to strangle himself sometime earlier.
The detective realized that he'd been so focused on the other's appearance that he didn't even spare a glance at what he was doing. As soon as he looked down at what those bloody hands were doing, he wished he never did. They were tearing apart a painfully familiar white suit.

And the darkness makes a second appearance~
How do y'all like this so far?
I don't know how to feel about this, honestly, but hopefully y'all are liking it ^~^
This will have no romance btw so don't expect any Shinkai!
This is just non romantic Kidcon/Kaicon >~<

*****************************And the darkness makes a second appearance~How do y'all like this so far? I don't know how to feel about this, honestly, but hopefully y'all are liking it ^~^This will have no romance btw so don't expect any Shinkai! T...

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Things like these are fun to do, idk why XD

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