Torture (4)

225 17 16

~I do not own DC/MK~
WARNING: the title pls

He was unable to move. Something was holding him back, and he knew what it was, he didn't need to look, he didn't want to look. Spider webs. They held him down, completely taking away his ability to move. The spider silk felt soft against his skin, yet it was unbreakable. The more he tried to free himself, the tighter it held him, and at one point it almost felt like he was suffocating, so he stopped trying all together.
His once blurry vision started to clear up and he saw two figures moving in the dark. Once his 20/20 vision was back as strong as ever, he was able to identify the figures. One tall and slender, wearing all black with a mask covering half of his face. Spider. That was easy, heh.
The other was quite small, a child, with glasses too big for his head-
The thief started panicking. He knew this was all an illusion, but it was his punishment after all, so whatever was going to happen between Spider and his Tantei-kun can't be anything good.
His eyes burned, both because of tears, and because he wasn't able to blink. Ha, Spider didn't want him to miss any bit of the show.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a muffled, high pitched scream, definitely coming from Conan. When Kid actually focussed on what he was looking at, his heart almost stopped. Conan was going through the same torture he went through. The little child screamed as the hot metal rod was harshly dragged across his bare chest, and Kid found himself wanting to scream too, but he couldn't. His voice was caught in his throat, his lips moved but nothing came out. He kept trying to tell himself that this was all just an illusion and that it was all going to end soon, but his detective's screams sounded too real for him to believe himself.


Spider watched as Kid trembled on the floor, eyes open but dull and almost lifeless, mind and body caught up in his illusions. He licked his lips, what a sight.
The assassin looked over at the still sleeping child. He felt tempted to just smash that little head, but he restrained himself.

"I wonder if you know how much power you actually hold over him."

He whispered under his breath before turning his attention back to the thief, who was whimpering by that point. He watched the thief's chest move up and down with his sharp intakes of breath. Spider frowned, this wasn't enough, he wanted to do more, make the thief feel more pain. He easily flipped Kid from his side and onto his back to get a better view. His gloved hand lightly traced the burns on his chest and he was able to feel the other's heart pounding his chest.
The assassin chuckled as he stood up, messing with him just a little bit more would be fun. He pressed his foot against the thief's chest and started slowly applying pressure. It was getting harder for the thief to breath as each second passed, and Spider was enjoying it, every bit of it. He kept pressing until he finally got he what he was waiting for. The soft sound of bones breaking, and a very weak scream of pain.
He removed his foot, not wanting to accidentally puncture the thief's lungs. It was too soon, and this was just enough, for now. The bones weren't pushed down deep enough for his lungs to be punctured with movement, and that was just perfect.


Indigos blinked open, and Kid wondered when the hell did he pass out. It was all hell before he was able to open his eyes, and he only felt like he just woke up from a horrible nightmare. He looked around, Spider wasn't there. He tried to get up since he wasn't able to see the whole room while lying down, but a sharp pain in his chest stopped him. It was only then that he noticed how much harder it was to breath. Spider must've done something while he was.. unconscious? He didn't know. His good hand moved over to his chest and started feeling for any injuries. Yup, his ribs were broken. Not all of them were, but he wasn't about to complain about it.
Kid decided to take whatever time he had left before Spider came back to just rest. He needed rest right now. He took a deep breath, even though it hurt so fucking bad, and tried to relax and calm himself down. He wanted to forget about what he saw, he tried so hard, he knew his detective was asleep and okay, but what he saw in the illusion was engraved into his brain. It'll take him a very long time to forget... Or he might never actually forget.
Indigos closed, a few tears escaping them in the process.

'When will this torture end?'

He had no right to complain though, he was the one who agreed to this, and Spider had kept his promise of not hurting his detective. He should just stop being a whiny baby.
The magician wondered for a brief moment whether his friends noticed he was missing or not. What about Tantei-kun? Did his loved ones notice? Or maybe not enough time had passed for them to think they were missing. God, time. How long has it been? He shook his head. He should be focusing on getting some rest, not figuring out what time it was.


A kick to the gut woke him up. Kid curled up, wincing in pain. Indigos opened and looked up.

"Get up, we're leaving for a bit."

Indigos blinked in confusion.


He repeated, voice weak and small. What were they leaving for? Wait, he was supposed to get up-
The thief got up hastly, ignoring the pain that immediately shot up in his chest. Spider smirked at the other's reaction.

"We have a mission."

The thief tilted his head slightly. He was really confused, but he definitely wouldn't mind leaving the place for a bit.
A change of clothes was thrown at him before Spider left the room. Ah, sure. If they were leaving then he'd better cover up his abused body.

When I came to publish this, I discovered that wattpad made a shitty glitch and deleted it •~•
Lucky me, I had it saved somewhere else just in case >-<
Do you guys already know what the mission is?
Also, again with breaking the ribs, it's just something I like ^~^
Don't judge me, or I'll eat all your snacks •^•

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