Chapter 5

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~ Jenna's POV ~

The morning after the dinner at my brother's I dragged myself out of bed. It felt as it was ages since I had a good night's sleep.

I sat at the window sill in my apartment and looked out on the city slowly waking up. The weather was great and it offended me in a way. It's so much easier to be gloomy in the rain.

Get over it. Take one step at the time. It was never meant to be anyway. Because I'm worthless and he's not. He's a genius and I'm a nobody, always going to be and ...

I shut my brain down and decided to get ready for work. My library was my safe zone, always had been. There no one can hurt me. There I knew all the routines and what was expected of me, no surprises what so ever. We even had a library cat now and he was so cute. He reminded me of myself, content with life surrounded by books and quietude.

My coworkers were all kind and pleasant to me, but they don't know me, who I really am on the inside. I don't let people in and don't like when they get to close. I think it's because I have major trust issues, thanks to my parents. Since my mother left when I was thirteen my father's abuse was concentrated only on me.

Because you ain't worth shit, bitch. Why don't you just go ahead and run like your fuckin' mother? Slut!

I never understood how she could leave me with him. But she was an addict too, just like him so I don't think she cared much about anyone but herself. Herself and her alcohol. That's all that counted in life for her.

After a long day at work I decided to go straight home. Usually I went for a walk in the park near the library just to clear my head and look at normal people, living their normal life. I've spent hours upon hours in that park, at those benches, when I was too scared to go home.

But today I wanted nothing but my bed, my tea and a good book.

I crawled up in my bed and just when I was about to open my book the phone rang. Emily and Chrissy were the only one's calling me on a regular basis so I didn't even care to look at the display to see which one of them it was.

"Hello, everything's fine, work was okay and no I haven't eaten yet." I answered their usual questions at once.

"I can't understand shit about what ya just said but I like to know so please take it all again in English?" I heard a dark familiar voice and I sat straight up. My eyes were about to pop out and I almost dropped the phone.

Holy fuck!

"Hello, ya there?"

Eminem. It's Eminem!

My thoughts rushed and my mouth got dry. I swallowed and tried to say something, but nothing came out.

"Jenna!? Ya okay?

Say something, you idiot!

"Yes hi, I'm here." I sighed out.

"Hi girl, it's me, Marshall. I'm so sorry that I haven't called earlier, but ya not gonna believe this story when I tell ya" He rambled on.

"Uhm, I'm sorry, can you hold on for a sec?" I put down the phone, pushed a pillow to my face and screamed into it. Then I picked the phone up again.

"Now I'm here, what was it you wanted to tell me?" I said silently.

"What was that noise? Sounded as someone yelled?" Eminem asked with worry in his voice.

"Uhm, no it was just the TV." Yeah, that sounds legit, duh.

Eminem started to tell a totally insane story about my phone number, how it got lost and how poor Paul had searched for it.

I was in chock that someone have gone through all that trouble just to get in touch with me. Even the car rental dealer was involved.

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