Chapter 51

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~ Jenna's POV ~

As the others started to come into the cabin and buckle up I felt so relieved. Marshall had done his best out of the situation and I didn't feel the ache anymore, even though I wanted more than his fingers. When he licked them after my ... you know I thought I would faint. Who does a thing like that? The real Slim Shady of course, sometimes he lets his alter egos out. But it was hot. Real hot.

You're such a whore. Moving over here not even knowing the man properly, fucking gold digging bitch. He'll know one day and then you're out the door. You won't even have money for the ticket home.

I hadn't thought of that. What would happen if I did something that he doesn't like? I couldn't afford my ticket home. I would be on the streets in a town that I didn't knew. He wouldn't, would he? My mind raced and I felt queasy. My good mood after his ... magic was long gone.

"Sup baby girl?" Marshall came back from the bathroom and saw that something was up with me. "Landing freaking you out again?"

He was so kind and thoughtful, he can't just kick me out, can he? I smiled at him but I could see at his face that he didn't bought it. He took my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles as I looked out the window of my new hometown. Detroit. What am I doing here?


Back at the house I felt even more out of place. Marshall had seen where I'm coming from now and he maybe think that I'm doing this for his money after all.

Marshall could feel that I was in a strange mood and as we walked in the door he put my suitcase down and asked me to join him in the living room. I walked in with my head down expecting a scolding for being weird. My father's voice was getting louder with every step I took.

Here it comes, bitch. He has you over here and now he can show his right colors.

I stood as I was told so many times before by the end of the couch with my hands on my back and my head bent down and just waited. I tried to breath as shallow as I could not to set him off.

"What's the matter baby doll?" Marshall said with a soft voice. "You act kinda weird, not changing your mind already, huh?"

I shook my head and a single tear fell down my cheek. Marshall saw it and rushed to my side and held me close.

"Talk to me baby, please talk to me" he said and I started to shiver as a lot of memories came over me with full force.

I closed my eyes but I could still see my father's grinning face in front of me, mocking me, throwing things at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I said and my knees buckled.

"Shit!" was the only thing I heard from Marshall as I could feel his strong arms under me, picking me up and carrying me to the couch.


I cane to in his arms, his tears the first thing I saw.

"No Marshall, don't cry" I said quietly as he looked down on my face.

"Oh baby girl you're awake" he said relieved and stroked my face.

"I'm sorry" I whispered not ready to meet his eyes.

"Baby, what happened? You started to act weird on the plane and when we came home it was as you got into some kind of survival mode" I don't understand, please enlighten me" he sounded desperate and I met his eyes.

"I don't know. I just come to think of ... money" I sat up and shook my head to really wake up.

"What about money?" he sounded puzzled and a bit pensive.

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