Chapter 79

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~ Jenna's POV ~

A couple of weeks later Marshall and I were at the studio downtown. Usually I stay at home when he went to work but today I could catch a ride to go to the library to get some well needed books about growing a baby, both inside and later outside because I had no idea what I was doing.

Chrissy and Cynthia had been really great, always answering my sometimes crazy questions about anything and everything. Cynthia had even make it a habit of calling me every other evening just to chat and check that everything was alright. She even spoke to Marshall in case he had some questions or worries.

Now I had Sam with me and he was even more hoovering now he knew that I was pregnant, just a tad over protective I should say. As I browsed the many shelfs this fantastic library stored he walked right behind me and it started to be annoying as he almost bumped in to me every time I stopped.

"Sam." I tried to sound calm and sweet but on my inside my patience was hanging on a thread.

"I'm sorry Miss Jenna" he said and backed off a couple of steps.

"Yes I know you are but I can't do this with you on my shoulder, I'm sorry" I looked up at his kind face who now were full with shame. "They have a newspaper section on the first floor, I think you can be comfortable there while I get the books I need and I'll meet you up there afterwards. Okay?" I asked him but he shook his head.

"That's a negative Miss Jenna" he said and took his phone out of his pocket. "I have orders not letting you out of my sight" he dialed a number and handed the phone over to me. "Talk to Em, he's in charge".

I took the phone and the second I put it to my ear I could hear Marshall's worried voice.

"Sam! Is everything alright? Jenna okay?" he said and I closed my eyes and tried to swallow my irritation.

"Yeah Marshall, it's me" I said and closed my eyes as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What happened? Where's Sam?" he almost yelled of fear now and I calmed down and took a deep breath, turning away from Sam to talk in private.

"Marshall, I can't do this. He is on my heels all the time and I'm starting to feel really annoyed about that" I said softly but with seriousness in my voice." I told him he can wait downstairs but then he called you".

"I've told him to stay with you at all times" I could hear the powerlessness he felt of not being with me himself. "Do you want me to come?"

"No, No you don't need to come" I said.

"I didn't ask if I needed to come, I asked if you wanted me to come" he said and I sighed and rolled my eyes to his words.

"No I don't want that. I just want to be left in peace for a moment! Can I have that? Some time on my own to do what I want? God, I can't stand this!" I raised my voice at him and immediately I regretted my outburst. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Marshall" I could feel tears building in my eyes and I turned back to Sam and gave him the phone. "Tell him it is okay. We're going home".

I started to move towards the grand stairs and as I got there I stopped to breathe for a minute before I continued down the steps. I could hear Sam behind me and as we got to the car he opened the door for me and I got in. I found a pair of headphones in the back seat, putted them on my head and connected them to my phone. I needed to be alone and with music in my ears and closed eyes I could get that feeling of solitariness.

I saw Sam's worried eyes in the rearview mirror when I looked up and I felt a sting of guilt piercing my heart and I took a deep breath. What was wrong with me? I snapped at Marshall, the man had done nothing but good things for me. I put Sam in a difficult situation, standing between what he knows his job requires and what I ask him to do.

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