Chapter 7

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~ Jenna's POV ~

That man really knew how to surprise a girl, I'll give him that. After he lay the cards on the table and asked me to go to London with him my mind went blank. I told him I'll think about it and we ended the call as I just stoop back and ended up sitting on my couch for an hour. I had such mixed emotions and I realized that I'm in need of some good woman to woman talk. I texted Chrissy and we decided for lunch the day after.


After telling her about Eminem's question and all my pro's and con's I could come up with she just stared at me.

"What are you afraid of? She said and looked deep into my eyes.

"Mostly his expectations" I said quiet and turned away from her piercing gaze.

"What do you think he expects, then?" she used her hand under my chin to turn my eyes back to hers.

"Sex" I whispered and lowered my eyes.

"Hmm" she said and leaned back, putting her napkin on the table, "Has he said that straight out? If he has it's easy to just tell him that something like that ain't gonna happen right now."

"Well he has not said it like that, but he has hinted about what he wants to do with me when we meet and it's not PG 13, I can tell you that." I blushed and had a hard time to look at her again.

"You have to talk to him, okay and you have to do it soon. The more you think about it the harder will it be." Chrissy said with a firm tone.

"But how though? I can't say things like that. I'm not you." I was getting desperate.

"Talk to him. To night. And that's an order, because if you don't I will." So much for a good woman to woman talk.

The time flied and because it was show day for Eminem he'll call me after his gig. I stayed up pacing back and forth in my small apartment. I had cleaned every surface, done the dishes twice and now I tried just to endure while the time passed. I rehearsed what I was going to say in front of the mirror but I just ended up more nervous by it so I stopped.

You ugly bitch, he's not gonna let you come to London when he finds out that you ain't giving it up, you idiot!

When the phone rang I jumped. My stomach was in a riot and it felt as I could throw up at any minute. Em noticed right away that it was something odd with this call. He demanded that I'll tell him my thoughts.

"With words, Jenna" he said when I went totally quiet. "And breathe for me, okay. I don't want you to faint or anything".

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you, but please do me a favor first." I said, my voice quiver with nervousness.

"I'll do anything for you, girl" he said and I closed my eyes. "I just want you to say yes to London so I can bury myself balls deep inside you".

"Oh yeah about that, please hear me out before you say something, okay" I said and I heard Em humming before I began talking slowly at first and then more and more ranting.

"If I come to London to see you, I need to know what you expect from me. As you probably know by now I'm not so, uhm ... experienced in the dating business. Not at all, actually. I'm gonna be totally honest with you now, I've never had a boyfriend and I know that you and I ain't gonna have that kind of relationship but I can't have sex with you in London. I can't do something like that until I'm totally sure of how I feel about you and not before I know how you feel about me. It's not that I don't want to but, I think you can understand that I need some reassurance".

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