Chapter 70

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I woke up in the hospital bad and tried to look around. There was a machine beside me beeping and in my arms I had needles with tubes to liquid filled plastic bags that hung on each side of the bed. On my finger I had some kind of pinching thing, I guess connected to the beeping machine.

I had a torturing head ache and all my body limbs felt heavy and slow. My mouth was all dried up and my eyes felt gritty.

I tried to wrap my head around what had happen yesterday but it all was dimmed. I remember the ambulance and the examination they did here when I came in. I heard them talk about my blood pressure and my low blood sugar.

And they talked about the ... baby.

I had another human growing inside me. A baby. A baby no one wanted. I couldn't be a mother and the father was ... No! No Jenna, don't go there! I was not allowed to think about that. Or him. That was a closed subject and I was never going to think about it again.

I needed to talk to a doctor about the termination of my ... pregnancy. It has to be done quickly before I ...

My eyes teared up and I let out a sob. I register a movement to my left and suddenly I saw the kind face of the doctor at the women's clinic. She smiled at me and took my hand.

"Hello Jenna, how are you feeling, dear?" she whispered at me and I tried to give her a smile.

"Thirsty" was all I could say and she pressed at a red button on the wall over my head.

"I'll call the nurse she'll bring you something" she said, still smiling. "I'm so glad that you came to me yesterday. One more day and you might have lost the baby ... or worse" she stroked my hair back and my eyes filled up with tears.

A nurse came in and checked my vital signs and pushed some buttons on the beeping machine. It went quiet and I moaned out in relief as I closed my eyes.

"Head ache, love?" The sweet nurse said and I nodded slowly. "I'll check with the doctor if I can give you something for that".

She left and in my eye sight the nice doctor was back taking my hand and stroking my hair.

"Dr. Peters, right?" I said and tried to swallow but I was too dried up.

"Please, call me Cynthia" she said and smiled at me.

"Cynthia. Can I ask you something?" I said and looked up in her eyes as she nodded. "Why are you so kind to me?"

"Oh honey!" she laughed a little at my question. "Ain't you the sweetest?" her eyes started to tear up and I immediately regretted my question, I didn't mean to make her sad.

The nurse came in with a little cup with a white pill in it and a jug of cold juice that she poured in a mug and gave to me. I took a sip. Then another. Then I gulped down everything. She smiled and poured me another one and handed me the pill. I took it but before I put it in my mouth I glanced over at Cynthia and she understood.

"Is it Ibuprofen?" she asked the nurse who said yes. "It's okay" she nodded at me and I swallowed the pill with another mug of the sweet juice before the nurse even were out the door.

The silent between the elder doctor and me was a bit uncomfortable and I cleared my throat to speak to her just as she rose from her chair and leaned over me.

"Do you want me to stay for a while?" she whispered and I nodded at her.

"If it's okay by you" I whispered back and suddenly I felt very tired. "Did she give me some sleeping pill?" I asked.

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