Chapter 6

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~ Jenna's POV ~

As he told me to before he hung up I took a deep breath. My head was spinning and I was shaking. I knew I got to call Emily or Chrissy, but my hands didn't work properly. As I dropped the phone twice I finally managed to call Chrissy. The call might contain feelings, grown-up feelings that I didn't want to discuss with Emily. She was too young.

I bet she's more experienced than me, but anyway.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered with a bit of worry in the tone.

"Hi it's just me, Jenna," I said quietly. "Are you up?"

"Yeah sure, I am now." Chrissy said. I could hear how she moved around. "I'm just gonna go out to the living room. Your brother is asleep."

"I'm really sorry, should I call back tomorrow?" I asked.

Chrissy was quite used to my calls in the night. She was my best companion after a nightmare and she has endured many hours in the phone with me. After my father's death I had called her a couple of times a week, but now almost a year after, I had not called her for weeks. Maybe that's why she sounded so worried.

I shouldn't have called. I didn't notice that the time was so late. Damn me!

"So little one, what brings me the honor tonight?" She said, trying her best to not sound too sleepy.

"He called." I whispered.

"Huh, what did you say?" she yawned.

"He called!" I shouted now. "He really called!"

"Hush now, don't wake up the whole house" Chrissy said suddenly wide awake. "Tell me everything from the top".

I started with the crazy story about the note pad and my lost number and told her everything we had talked about. I finished with his comment about calling me again and dreaming about me tonight.

"Totally insane, huh?" I said and she just laughed softly.

"The only insane thing in this story is if you two don't realize that you are immensely attracted to each other." She said. I could hear her moving again. "You know what, honey, I need to go to bed, now that I know that you are alright. Can we talk again tomorrow?"

"Chrissy, thank you for listening" I said and blushed. Her comment about we being attracted to each other did its thing in my body.

Attracted for sure. But I don't know what to do with these kind of feelings. I have so little experience of men.

For the longest time I thought that all men were like my father.

You don't deserve a good man, bitch! You whore should get a man who can show you how to behave. I hope he'll beat your ass when you are showing off your body like that for all other men to see, slut!

NO! Enough of this! I won't let him take this away from me. I'm going to sleep and I'm going to dream about Eminem, like he said he'll dream about me.

Just this night. Please let me have just this night.

In the morning I woke up, almost feeling sick from lack of sleep. My head was spinning and I took a shower to see if I could get back to normal. When the water steamed down my body I could feel that the dreams had made my body very sensitive to the warm touch of the running water. When I soaped my hands and then moved them over my body I felt a sudden feeling of pleasure rise. When I went over my breasts and the area down there my legs almost started to shake.

What is going on with me? These feelings are brand new to me. Okay, I understand that they are sexual, but now what? I don't know what to do. Maybe I am the dirty whore he always accused me to be.

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