Chapter 50

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I am crazy. I must be. How could it be that I, boring neurotic and damaged Jenna is going to move to not just another city than a whole new country? On another continent? Yes, I must be mad.

But I have Marshall by my side. He who wants me like nothing else. I'm having a hard time to wrap my head around this.

"Second thoughts?" he asks me and takes my hand to his lips kissing my every knuckle.

We were in the car on our way over to my brother's to tell them the news. I've had a couple of days to collect some courage to tell them but I was still nervous and fidgeting on the hem of my t-shirt.

"No never" I smiled a shaky smile at him and he said that I should try to relax. "Yeah that's easy for you to say, it's not your brother we're telling" I kissed him softly.

"No that'll come later" he said and I stared at him frowning. "My brother. Nate. We're telling him about ya later" he stroked my chin and I was now more nervous thinking of his family back in Detroit.

What have I gotten myself in to? I inhaled deeply and tried to shake the feeling of uneasiness off. We're here.

Hailie got out first and I was happy she joined us. She was so good at talking to Chrissy and we could certainly need someone to clear the air.


"Well that went well" Hailie smiled at me and I nodded. All my nervousness seemed wasted now as Chrissy, Ron and Emily wished us luck and understood my need to be with Marshall.

"We were young and in love once too" my brother said and Chrissy cleared her throat beside him. "Well we're still young and in love ... or you are still young" he tried to save the situation.

"Jenna's young but we're both very much in love and I'm gonna do my best to keep her happy, you know what I'm saying" Marshall answered and kissed my hand again.

I blushed and looked up at him under my lashes smiling like a fool thinking of what had happen in my brother's house. We had decided that I was going to keep my apartment for a while just in case I needed an escape plan. I knew I didn't but to ease my brother's mind I did as he said.

We were on our way over there now and I was kind of worried of the state the apartment was in. I've left it in such a hurry with Chrissy last time and I had been so down then so I hadn't cleaned it for days before that.

"You guys can wait here in the car" I tried but both Marshall and Hailie got out and accompanied me into the apartment complex I've called my home the last year.

It was a rough neighborhood, but Marshall's seen worse I believed. We went up the three stairs and then we stood outside my door.

"It's not what you are used too" I nodded at Hailie and she smiled at e and urged me to open the door.

"Don't worry, I'm not judging anyone" she said and walked pass me into my home.

I turned on the lights and could see that it looked alright, I mean how dirty can a home be when the owner just sat in the dark and stared out the window waiting for calls?

Marshall and Hailie went into my living room and I walked after them.

"I'm sorry it's not ..." I sighed and bowed my head in embarrassment.

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