Chapter 18

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~ Jenna's POV ~

Marshall's message was so sweet. He got home alright and he wrote that he misses me and that he needs me. My heart swells and I feel really happy but in the same time I feel so sad and lonely.

My apartment feels so quiet. There was a time when I enjoyed being alone. After my father's death it was a God send gift not to have him around anymore. I came and went as I wanted to, cooked when I felt like it and sometimes I didn't even bother to clean up after myself.

Now it just feels depressing. I think it is because I know how the feeling of togetherness feels like and I miss it. I miss Marshall in the morning when I wake up and my bed is to cold and empty. I miss him when I come home from work and no one's there. I miss him the most when I'm going to bed. Then I use to look at the selfies we took and remember how much fun we had that day.

It's strange how you can get used to a person in such short time. It was just a couple of days, and nights, but yet I know that there's a bit piece missing in my life. I need him.

The following week we have an influenza epidemic at work. I think everybody got ill except for me and old Miss Anderson. I take on extra shifts and work 12 to 14 hours a day. I don't mind, I love my job and as long as I don't have to be home alone, I'm okay.

One morning my boss announces that he needs to talk to me in his office. Suffering from low self esteem I directly think that I've done something wrong.

"Jenna, are you okay?" Mr. Jonas starts out. "You have been working so hard lately and I can't even begin to say how much I appreciate your help"

I smiled a little and nodded, still waiting for what I've done wrong.

"You have been working for us for how long now?" He looked down in his papers in front of him.

"Four years" I say.

"Yes that's right, four years. I remember when you came your first day and you were so nervous and you looked so out of place so everybody just had to like you from the start". My boss always had a bad habit to never come to the point of the conversations.

"Yes, well what was it you had do talk to me about?" I said and interrupted him in a long exposition of my first lunch hour with the colleagues.

"Hmm, yes, I need to talk to because I've had a call from HR and they have noticed that you have a lot of vacation leave days collected".

I have never been on a vacation so it's not hard to understand. In Sweden you get an amount of days a year and if you don't use them they pile up.

"Well yes and I am sorry to say that if you don't take about six weeks of vacation they will impound your days because it's against the law to have too many days collected. So, as your employer I hereby order you to take a holiday.

"Oh but ..." I started out, not sure what to say.

"No buts, you have six weeks starting from ... let's see ... September 1st".

"But that's in just, like two weeks from now. I don't know. Maybe it's just better if I let them take my days and I stay working". I tried to get out of this. I can't be alone for six weeks, I'll go insane.

"No. It's decided" Mr. Jonas stood up and shake my hand forced me out the door so I couldn't convince him that he needed me to stay.

I immediately called up Chrissy and told her I need to talk to them. She feared that something bad was up and said that I was welcome to dinner the same evening.

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