Chapter 43

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~ Jenna's POV ~

A couple of days later I met up with Hailie, Alaina and Whit as they had made appointments at a really fancy spa in Detroit. I didn't really feel comfortable being undressed with Marshall's daughters, but this facility had private changing rooms and big bathrobes for me to hide in. After a while they made me feel really relaxed and we had such a good time together. Whit told us about The Kim Interrogation when she came home the other night and she had made her mother furious with telling her how fantastic I am. I blushed and said the she's not allowed to antagonize her like that, it can make her hate me more.

"Who really cares?" she smiled at me. "Everybody knows you're an amazing woman, so nobody listens to her anymore".

The three sisters laughed and I couldn't stop a little smile, feeling a bit spiteful towards Kim.

We sat in the Jacuzzi and enjoyed the heat from the water when Alaina suddenly touched my shoulder.

"What is this? You have more of them?" she said and touched one of my scars.

I flinched and moved away from her with my head bent down.

"It's nothing" I said silently and Alaina tilted her head at my reaction.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Jenna" she said and Hailie looked at me with compassion.

"You don't have to tell us, it's okay" she said with sympathy in her voice.

"There's nothing to tell, really" I still couldn't meet their eyes.

"It's time anyway, our massages start in fifteen" Whit saved me and smiled a secret smile at me.

She seems so much older than she is sometimes, like she grown up too fast or something. Maybe that's what happens if you're under scrutiny of the world because of your famous dad your whole life.

We went to our treatments and after that we had a late lunch together before splitting up. We had a long and tearful farewell and hoped we'll see each other soon again.

Sam drove me home and I felt empty inside, if I thought this was hard, how can I say goodbye to Marshall without dying inside? I didn't want to think about it, but the day for my return to hell was getting closer.

"Miss? Miss Jenna?" Sam tried to get my attention and I looked up at him and nodded. "You're home" he said and I could see we were on the drive way of Marshalls house.

"Oh thank you, Sam" I said absent-minded and got out of the car.

Marshall wasn't home, he had some stuff to do at the studio, he took the opportunity when I was away with the girls. I went up to the walk in closet in the guest room, the one I've seen as mine since I came here and started to pack some of my stuff. I let the nice dresses and shoes Hailie and I bought stay in the closet, I had no use for them at home. And If I leave them, maybe there is a chance for me to come back and wear them again. At least it felt good, to leave pieces of me behind.

"Oh there you are" I heard Marshall entering the guest room and I turned to meet him. "What are you doing?" he stopped in his tracks and stared down on my half packed suitcase.

He bowed his head and I could see how he clenched his fists as he slowly shook his head as if he tried to wipe out the sight of my bags from his mind. I walked up to him and put my hand against his chest over his hart.

"I know" I whispered.

He closed his eyes and put one of his hands over mine at his hart as we just stood there, feeling each other's pain and loss.

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