Chapter 73

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Just today there won't be any quotes up here. Today we celebrate Eminem's new album "Music to be murdered by"

~ Jenna's POV ~

I looked up and I knew my mind was playing tricks on me. I saw Marshall at the door, but I knew he wasn't here so I just kept staring at him afraid to blink or close my eyes incase he'll disappear. The light in the room was dimmed and he looked so beautiful I got trouble breathing of his gaze on me. He started to move closer to me and I got up on my knees on the bed to meet him as he came to stand beside it.

I raised my hand and touched the skin on his hand and I took an erratic breath when I realized I could feel him too. This dream was too real to be just a dream. I had finally gone mad. I looked up and met his eyes and slowly put my hand on his chest over his hart. I could feel his heartbeat and the warmth beaming out through his t-shirt.

"You're not real" I whispered.

"Yes Jenna, baby girl, my fairy I am" he quietly answered me.

I stopped breathing and my head got all dizzy as his gaze just ate me alive. He didn't touch me. He didn't talk to me. He just stood there looking down at me with tears in his eyes.

"I ... I ... I do need you. I didn't mean ..." I gasped for air and I silently started to cry.

Then he moved. He put a hand at my neck and the other around my shoulder and he held me against his chest real tight. I could feel him breathe and I could feel his warm hands on my back and in my hair. My mind went blank and I started to push him away from me so I would be able to look up at his face again. He didn't let me go but he loosened his grip a little for me to move.

I rose my hand and stroked his cheek and the side of his neck. I felt his speeding pulse and he closed his eyes and leaned his head into my palm.

"Don't" I said and he looked down at me again "don't shut your eyes" my voice hardly audible. "I need to see you" I said and it reminded me when he said the same thing to me in bed when we made love.

A sad pain went through my hart at the memory but I didn't care. Even if he were real and here holding me he would never take me back after what I did.

"Jenna" he said with his inimitable voice that I've missed so much and I drew an erratic breath as if I've been out of air for very long.

"Yes?" I said even if I knew I could wake up at any second.

"I've missed you so much" now tears fell down his cheeks and I did my best to wipe them away. "I was lost without you".

"I wish ..." I whispered and he nodded at me.

"Tell me and I'll give you anything" he cried even harder now.

"I wish this dream never end. I wish you were here with me for real" I started to hyperventilate and I couldn't hold back a cry out of the pain I felt inside my heart.

All of a sudden the room was filled with people. Chrissy, Cynthia and a nurse rushed in and the horrible bright lamp in the ceiling was flipped on made my eyes shut and I couldn't feel Marshall's arms around me anymore. I popped down on the bed as my tears flooded and I made some strange whimper sounds. The nurse rushed to my one side and Cynthia on the other. They tried to calm me down but I almost got hysterical now. Another nurse came in and they gave me a shot in my arm and I finally felt that I could breathe again.

As in a haze I heard angry voices and I tried to sit up to see what was going on but it felt as if my body was stuck in wet concrete or something.

"What did you do?" Chrissy were really upset and I wondered why, it was just a dream. "I told you, Ron he should had stayed over there".

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