Chapter 93

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I just want to thank you all for over 20K reads. When i started this trip i never thought that anyone would read what i had to say. I'm truly blessed who have you. And to all of you who comment and vote, you have a special place in my heart. Forever.

~ Jenna's POV ~

I went to the window but I didn't see him driving away, that means he's still in the house. I went into the closet and took one of his hoodies and put it on. It smelled of fabric softener and Marshall. My tears started to fall again and I sat back down on the bedside. I think he needs some time to cool off before I go and find him. My body felt heavy and my head was totally empty except for the thoughts of Marshall. I know that I was unfair when I said that I was jealous of his earlier life, the women in his past I mean. I know that he must have been another person then. I was another person before I met him too, but he had a life before me, that was the biggest difference between us. I haven't had a life before. I lay down and pulled the duvet over me. I just need a little nap before I go and look for him. We needed to talk but I needed to rest too. There wouldn't be a good discussion if I was tired and he still was upset.


I woke up with a twitch and looked around me in confusion. The sun beamed in through the windows and I squinted my eyes as my head was hammering of a blistering headache. I took a quick peek at the clock and almost jumped off the bed. It was five to twelve and I'd slept almost eleven hours. No wonder I felt weird, my body wasn't used to this much sleep.

Suddenly I heard a car pulling up the drive way and soon after that excited voices. Oh God, my family. They were already here! I rushed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I rinsed my face with ice cold water to wake me up. I took a short glance in the mirror and saw that my face looked puffed and my eyes were red of the crying last night. How was I going to explain this to my family?

As I was on my way out of the bathroom I collided with Marshall and he grabbed me before I fell to the floor.

"Hey, calm down" he said and held me at arm's length exploring my face of signs from last night's quarrel. "You okay? I let you sleep ..." he sounded stressed and I couldn't decide if it was from our nightly discussion or from me standing here half dressed as my family came in the door downstairs.

"You go down, I'll be right there" I said and he let me go.

"Jenna ..." he said but I rushed in to the closet for clothes. "I'm ..." he started but I interrupted him.

"Please Marshall, not now. Go down and greet our family and I'll be down in a sec" I said and he gave me a glance before he went out of the room.

I closed my eyes and took a moment before I put one of the maternity dresses on that Hailie had bought for me. I checked myself in the full sized mirror and I was almost ready to cry again. I was a mess. I concentrated and got my calm back and then I was out the door. The closer I came to the grand stair the better I could hear the chatter from my niece and sister-in-law. I loved to have them here but it will be strange to not have made up with Marshall.

"There she is!" Emily yelled as I walked down the stairs. "Sleeping beauty has gotten a kiss from her prince and are back to business" she gave me a hug and I looked over her shoulder at Marshall who met my gaze for a second before he let his head down and he stared at the floor.

I hugged them all and while I gave them a house tour Marshall went out to start the barbecue. Emily were most impressed of the playroom in the basement. She went from pinball machine to the Pacman arcade game. Then we went into Marshall's home studio.

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