Chapter 19

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I had start to panicking about my leave from work, it was just a week left and then I would sit alone and twiddle my thumbs for six weeks.

A crazy thought came to me one night after my usual talk to Marshall, maybe he can come here to visit me? That would be perfect, then I don't have to sit alone. The more I thought about it the more ridiculous it sounded.

"How would it work out purely practical do you think?" My mind argued with me. "You have the smallest apartment. He needs his security team close by".

And he doesn't want to be with a poor bitch like you. He can have any woman in the world, why would he chose you, skank?

I lived for his calls now. I was like a walking zombie at days and stayed up late to hear Marshall's voice. He has told his girls about me. I don't know what to say about that, I mean what would they think? A woman who travels to London to meet him after talking to him, like five times before. Maybe they think I am a whore?

Well what did ya think? A hoe is always a hoe.

I talk a lot to Chrissy too. She's my lifeline to understand the complicated game between men and women. Today I was going to get over there and talk to her about my idea of inviting him when I'm off work. Ron and Emily wasn't home so we could talk freely.

"So, sweetheart, what was it you wanted to talk about?" Chrissy poured hot water over some tea leafs as she looked at me with alert eyes. She's always so nice to me and even if I just sit here in anxiety she waits until I am ready to talk.

I told her about my idea and she nods a little, thinking closely of what she should answer.

"Is that possible? I mean, should you live at a hotel then?" She has the same objection as I, about my apartment and the security. "What if someone finds out he's here, your whole life would turn upside down". She looked at me with great concern. "You'll never be left alone after that".

"Yeah, it was a stupid idea, I'm sorry I brought it up" I whispered and felt as devastated as I probably looked.

"No honey, the thought of you and him meeting is a great idea. I can tell he means a lot to you, there for we have to look at this in another perspective" she said with a pensive look.

"You should go to him" she stood up in excitement and started to plan a trip in her head. "That would be better for all. You getting out of here and can see a bit of the world and he can be safe in his own house, with his staff. Yeah, what do you say?" she stopped and watched me.

I just sat there all pale and couldn't understand how she can suggest a thing like that.

"I can't invite myself to his house, that would be rude" I said and looked up at her. "If he wanted me there he would have asked me already".

"But have you told him that you have six weeks off?" she peered at me.

"No" I looked down on my knotted fingers.

"Well start out with that and see what he says. Maybe he invites you when he knows".

She was like the mother I never had, although she was only ten years older than me. She always made me feel like I can handle anything. This thing, though was going to be the most unnerving call, since he called me the first time.

I was practicing in front of my mirror at home but the more I rehearsed it, the more stupid I sounded.

That's 'cus you are stupid, you idiot. A fuckin' retarded skank whore, that's what you are. Just like your fuckin' mother.

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