Chapter 66

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~ Jenna's POV ~

Both the Melbourne and the Perth concerts also went perfect but Skylar's throat got more and more affected and before the last stop on the tour in Wellington her doctor told her that if she sang one more note her voice could be damaged for life. Marshall didn't take the news very well as he didn't want to let down his fans but he understood Skylar's fear of never being able to sing again. This was her job, nothing was worth the risk of being disabled for life.

Paul had enough with the situation with my mom but he came to our suite to discuss the options before tonight's show.

"What would it cost to cancel tonight's show?" he said and started to count on his fingers the many thousands of dollars who was lost if they didn't proceed with the show.

"Fuck the money, man" Marshall sneered at him. "It'll cost my reputation and my fans good will to not hate me. What the fuck are we gonna do?" he paced the floor rubbing his head with his palm as he did.

"What about Brenda?" Paul said and meant the back-up singer who's singing in the same pitch as Skylar. "Can she do it?"

"Well she might, but she's needed in the back on the most songs" Marshall sighed. "But I guess that's the only option we have" he sat down beside me and leaned his elbows on his knees holding his hands over his face. "Get her in here, she needs to get focused immediately".

I stroked Marshall's back as we waited on Brenda. She was a very nice woman and I was sure she'll sort this out. As she came in the door Paul already had breifed her on the situation.

"I guess I can, but who takes my chorus in these songs?" she addressed the second problem straight away.

"I don't fucking know" Marshall sighed and I felt so helpless in this.

All I could do was sit there and feel his anguish rise as the clock counted down to the show in a breakneck speed. It was time for me to show my true colors and do something for these people who has done everything for me since the start. I owed them my life, it was time for me to do what I could for them in return.

"Marshall can I talk to you in private for a sec?" I asked him and he stared at me and sighed again.

"I'm sorry, baby girl but I really don't have the time right now" he said softly as he stroked my cheek.

"But please" I tried but he shut me down and turned to Paul and Brenda again. "Okay, we need to be there early to set this shit straight with the sound guys".

"Marshall, is there anything I can do to help?" If he doesn't want to take this privately I'll have to go on with my idea anyway in front of everybody. "I know the songs, I can do it" I said and three pair of eyes stared right at me, four if you counted Tom who stood by the door.

"Jenna, no" Marshall patted my thigh and looked me in the eyes. "No I can't do that to ya" he kissed my cheek.

"You have done so much for me. You have given me my life. I know I can do this, baby please". I tried and he shook his head.

"Paul, Brenda. Will you please excuse us for a moment?" he said and the others left the room silently. "Jenna, baby girl. Last time I pushed you into singing you ran out on me" he took my hand very gently and stroked it. "I can't do that to you again. Not in front of like fifty thousand people".

"But what if I don't need to be on stage? Skylar can mime and I stand in the back singing her parts?" I hoped he understood that this actually can work. "You can tell the audience that she is a bit sore and doesn't sound as herself, but she'll at least is there to give them her best?"

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