Chapter 10

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~ Jenna's POV ~

Oh my God, I couldn't believe the world could be this big. After Em left me yesterday I've had hardly any sleep. My whole body was bubbling as if I had a carbonator in my belly. I wasn't going to admit to myself that I was wondering if this was the feeling of love. He wasn't looking for love, so I had decided not to think of it either.

Now I had Sam, his driver as my London guide and companion for the day. He's very sweet and he just smiles at me when I come up with new ideas of where we should go. I have dragged him around all the sights that has any connection to literature and now we were checking out the area around the South Bank. The place was packed with tourists with cameras and street artists with unicycles, balloons and weird costumes. I stopped below the London Eye wheel and leaned backwards to see the top of it.

"Wanna go for a ride?" Sam asked.

"You know what, I would if Em was here. No offence Sam, I love spending my day with you, but a big thing as riding my first Ferris wheel, if one can call this gigantic wheel of horror for a person afraid of heights that, I should do it with someone special. Not that you ain't special, Sam, you are" I tried to explain to him, not breaking his heart as he's been so patient with me the whole day.

Sam smiled and shake his head at my scatterbrained explanation.

"I get it, lil' thing" he said. "Where to next?" I smiled back and looked down at my sightseeing London map.

Back at the hotel I almost passed out on the couch of exhaustion. Em had called me a couple of times when I were out and I really missed him now. It was still quite early. We didn't have to leave for the Twickenham Stadium at least for two hours or so. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

"Em, you're here!" I flew into his arms and he catch me and carried me into the room, shutting the door with his foot.

I kissed him and he put me down, cupped my face with his hands and gave me a gentle kiss back. Out of the blue he grabbed my ass and lifted me up again. I wrapped my legs around him and the feeling of heat in my lover belly was back in a second. I held on tight around his neck and he moved to the couch, were he sat down. He arranged my legs so I straddled him and our kiss deepened.

"Fuck I've missed you!" he said with a growl as we came up for some much needed air.

"I've missed you more" I said breathlessly "I've seen so much amazing sites today you should've been there".

"I know I spoke to Sam on my way back. He was a bit worn out" he said with that famous smirk.

"Oh no, I feel so bad for him now. I should go and check on him, see if he needs anything" I said and was about to stand up.

Em pulled my ass down against him and let out a hum from the back of his throat.

"You do no such thing. He's fine, I was only fuckin' with ya".''

"But you said ..."

I was interrupted by his lips as he kissed me again. I felt one of his hands travel up my spine landing at the back of my head. My body started tremble and I made small sounds that I had no control over. Em's groin moved against my lower parts and I felt my panties get moist. My God, what was he doing to me?

He wanna fuck you, ya idiot. Let him and maybe he won't be disappointed in ya after all, slut.

I moved back, breaking our kiss and breathed heavy. Em's beautiful blue eyes had darkened and he stared at me as if I was something he could eat. His right eye twitched a little. I closed my eyes, not able to look at him when I was going to let him down once again and leaned my forehead against his. I could feel his breath mixed with mine, just as he wanted our bodies to mix with each other.

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