Chapter 94

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I was so tired. I hadn't done anything except resting the whole afternoon but when my family went back to their hotel for the evening I ended up laying down on the couch. My eyelids were so heavy that I almost couldn't stay awake.

"You need anything baby girl?" I heard Marshall's voice close to me and as I looked up I could see him hanging over the backrest of the couch.

"Just you ... and some foot massage, thank you" I said as my eyes closed up again.

Marshall sat down beside me and put my feet in his lap. He started to massage my swollen feet one at the time and he were so good at it. I moaned out of the feeling of his thumb circling my footpad.

"Jenna, are you awake? I have something to talk to you about" he said and I sat up and faced him.

"I'm awake ... I think" I said and yawned behind my hands as I stroked them over my face. "Okay, I'm up what is it?"

"Cyn came to me today and talked about your stress over thinking you're not a fit mother and shit. She had been talking to Hay about you and she was worried" he said and I frowned at him.

"What?" I said and shook my head a little to wake up even more.

"Have you that kind of doubt of your ability to this?" he said and stroked my belly just as the little man in there pushed back. "Wow, that's so cool" he said amazed.

"Well, I don't know ... I guess I'll learn but to be honest this motherhood thing scares the sh ... the crap out of me" I whispered and looked down. "What if I do it all wrong?" I didn't dare to look at him.

"Baby girl you won't. You'll be the best mother of all, I can feel it" he tried to comfort me.

"But Marsh, what if?" I glanced up at him and he gave me a crooked smile.

"You wanna know what Cyn said or not?" he asked me and I nodded am little. "She came to me to ask if she could stay here for a while as the lil' man is born, just to help you ... and me to get into this parenthood thing" he said and I thought I should burst of joy.

This was exactly what I needed, a doctor who had worked with pregnancy's and babies her whole life. On top of that she's a dear friend who seems to like us too. My tears started to fall and Marshall looked puzzled.

"Oh no baby, she doesn't have to if you don't like the idea. I can tell her ..." I launched myselt at him and snaked my arms around his neck and sobbed in his ear.

"Thank you so much Marsh" I squeaked and he held me close, as close as we got now the bump was growing bigger for each day.

"Baby don't thank me thank Cynthia it was her idea" he chuckled at my reaction.

"Are you really okay with that? That she's staying here? It'll just be for a short time in the beginning ... just for me to ... adapt". I lean back and looked him in the eyes to see his true feelings.

"Anything for you baby girl. Anything" he said and hugged me. "We can see if we can arrange the pool house for her to live in. That way I'll get the best of two worlds, you in my bed and the babysitter close by" he laughed a little.

"She isn't a babysitter, silly" I said and smacked his shoulder lightly. "She'll be here to assist me when my mind starts to spin and I don't know what to do".

"Perfect baby. We can talk to her tomorrow" he said and I put my head against his shoulder and sighed. "Happy?" he asked.

"Very happy" I answered him and closed my eyes.

Super Nova.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora