Chapter 96

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up. I was standing in the sacristy in the Sweetest Heart of Mary Church and Hailie were with me fixing the last things on my gown and veil, hair and makeup. I looked in the mirror and couldn't recognize myself. The makeup was flawless but not too much. My hair was curled and it was partly put up with pins. The veil was fixed to my head with a lovely tiara in white gold and emeralds matching the gown. The only jewels I had except for that one was my diamond earbuds and the diamond necklace that I've got from Marshall.

"There's something old" Hailie said and pointed at my necklace "and something new" she said and pointed at my tiara with a smile. "Here you got something borrowed" she took out a dark red case and handled it over to me. "It's just on loan so don't get too excited" she winked at me with one eye.

I stared at her and wasn't sure that I dared to open the velvet box in my hands.

"Go ahead" she nodded at me.

"Hailie I ..." I hesitated and she took the box out of my hands.

She opened it and took out a diamond bracelet and locked it around my wrist. I stared at it and then at her smiling face.

"Dad gave it to me at my college graduation. It'll suit you good today" she hugged me and I was about to cry over her lovely gesture. "Nah Jenna don't cry, it'll ruin your makeup" she said and I breathed deeply to suppress my feelings to her.

"And now ... something blue" she said and pulled out a little paper bag from behind her. "Ta daaaa" she giggled as she swung a dark blue garter in my face.

"Oh nooo" I said as she went down on the floor and slipped it on my leg. "Hailie this is ..."

"My dad is gonna be ... damn I can't talk about him like this" her cheeks got pink and I felt as if I just wanted to run out of there.

"Please don't" I said and then we started to giggle until a soft knock at the door was heard.

It was Ron and when he came in he just stopped in his tracks and stared at me.

"A true beauty huh?" Hailie said and stand beside him also looking at me.

"Holy mother of Jesus. Jenna you look like something out of a storybook" Ron said and I smiled at him and turned to the mirror again.

My cheeks were pink after the giggling with Hailie and I didn't look like a ghost anymore. My dress was comfortable and the sandals too. I nodded at myself and felt kind of confident.

"Emilie is ready and if you just take your place Hailie we can get this party going" Ron said but I could hear his voice trembling a bit.

"Okay. Jenna, you are going to do great out there" she said and hugged me again. "I love you" she said before she disappeared out the door.

"Do you really think I can do this?" I asked Ron and he nodded to me.

"Do you mean the wedding or the marriage? Nevermind if anyone can it's you honey. I'm so proud over you" he hugged me carefully.

"Thank you Ron, let's do this" I said and took a deep breath and took my flowers.

He opened the door and there stood Emily ready to give the signal to the minister. I heard the organ started to play the classic wedding march tune. My heart skipped a beat but when Ron put his arm on mine I relaxed a bit. We went past Emily and she put my dress and veil right and then we started to walk down the long aisle towards the magnificent altar who covered the whole wall upfront.

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