Chapter 60

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~ Jenna's POV ~

This was the most hysterical thing I've ever witness, the Mathers family Christmas gift session . Gift after gift was opened and everybody cheered as the wrapping was gone and the gift revealed.

Of course the most of them was to the small kids and to Marshall's girls but even I got a gift from Nate and Ash and one from Debbie. I wasn't prepared for that as I sat there with my cheeks pink and everyone's eyes at me as I unwrapped them. From Nate and Ash I got a gift card in Detroit's largest bookstore, because I, as they said 'need to fill this house with some culture that not involved rap lyrics'.

From Debbie I got a beautiful silk kimono bathrobe in all kind of green shades.

"I walked by that one and it reminded me of the particular shade of your eyes" she leaned over to me and patted my thigh.

"Thank you so much Debbie and thanks you two, Nate and Ash I'll do my best to fill this home with some culture" I smiled at them and got a false hurt Marshall over me, feeling sorry for himself.

"Oh my heart, I'm hit in my un-cultural heart" he said and I giggled at him as the others just shook their head and smiled at us.

Marshall got his gift from me and as he unwrapped it I felt really unsure of it. Maybe he'll think its lame.

"Oh baby what is this?" he said as he looked down at the leather folder in his lap.

"It's for your note pads and your lyrics. You can keep them safe in there so you don't mislay any important papers anywhere" I sad and gave him a sweet grin, knowing he's thinking of my phone number he lost.

"Jenna it's fucking beautiful" he gasped and looked at the fine handcraft Bernard had done.

"What's on it, dad?" Whit wondered and Marshall stroke his hand over the front of the folder.

"It's a beautiful fairy with a heart in her hand" he said as he held it up for all to see and when he peered up at me he had tears in his eyes. "Thank you so much, baby girl. I'll always keep this near" he gave me a kiss as he held it to his hart.

"It's nothing compared to diamonds, though" I whispered and he put his finger over my mouth and hushed me up as he shook his head.

"This is so much more" he said and stroked my cheek.

The girls gave away the last gifts and after they were opened we all just sat there and looked at what everybody got, comparing things and talking about the meaning of some special gifts.

Marshall excused himself and left the room and after a while also Hailie disappeared. I was wondering what was going on but I had Nate and Ash's kids showing me their new toys so I didn't give it much thought.

Suddenly Hailie was back and in after her Marshall came with a puzzled look on his face. Maybe the trouble he had before dinner still haunted him and I felt that I wanted to do something for him to ease his mind. I stood up and walked to him as he stood by the Christmas tree deep in his own thoughts.

"Marshall? What's up? You're acting kind of weird" I said and as lay my hands on his arm he twitched as if he couldn't hear me coming.

He turned to me and stared into my eyes until I almost felt uncomfortable of his gaze. He looked away and I think he nodded a little as I could hear Hailie hushing everybody up behind me. Marshall turned me around a bit and the others came into my sight. Some of them frowned at us but the girls smiled and nodded as they looked at their dad. Hailie even had her cellphone turned our way.

When I turned my head to look at Marshall again to ask what was going on I had to look down to see him. He stood in front me on one knee and with my hand in one of his. In his other hand he held a little black velvet box and as I understood what he was doing my free hand went up to my mouth to stifle my surprised cry-out.

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