Chapter 100

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I was sitting in the warm sand and felt the morning sun shower over my skin. I had been sneaking out from our cabin at the far end of the wooden pier as Marshall and Hayden were still sleeping. A little time by myself was always good even though I loved to spend time with my family. I closed my eyes and turned my face to the sun. To be back in Hawaii after all this time felt like a gift from above and to have Hayden with us this time was so much fun. He is now nine months and the sweetest little bundle of joy you can imagine. He is as energetic as his father and almost always happy. He is curious and adventurous and I think that we are going to be crazy of worry as he gets older and comes up with more dangerous things to try out.

"Good morning, ma'am. You are early out today" I looked up and one of the hotels staff was preparing the sunbeds for the guests who soon will be turning up for another day at the beach.

"Good morning. Yes I wanted to catch the morning sun. It's so beautiful out here in the golden hour" I said and stood up to walk back to the cabin to have breakfast with my family.

I tip toed in and glanced on the door to the bedroom. Marshall was asleep but Hayden was sitting in his crib and played with his toys. I went over to pick him up and tried to get him to be silent not to disturb his dad. A mission that failed totally when Hayden made a cry-out as he saw me.

"Hush little one, lets go and have some breakfast" I whispered to him but it was too late, Marshall was already awake.

"Where are you going with my child, woman?" he chuckled and Hayden started to wiggle in an attempt to get away from me. "Come here and give your man some love".

"Didn't you have enough last night?" I asked him with a small grin as I was thinking back on our encounters yesterday. "In the pool ... and in the kitchen ... and on the couch" I giggled as he grabbed me and pulled me down beside him.

"Hush wench" he whispered in my ear as his hands went to my breasts "My son might hear you" he said as he rubbed his beard on the skin on my neck just as he knew that I liked it.

Hayden looked at us and started to climb over me to get to his dad behind me. He was a real daddy's boy right now but that was okay by me because as long as I breastfed him he was like stuck on me all times of the day. Except when Marshall's girls came by, then he did all he could to charm his sisters. They really loved each other and this little boy is going to be the most spoiled child ever. At least with love. I had told them to slow down with the material gifts because he didn't need all of the things they came with. One giant teddy bear was enough and one pair of Nikes as long as he didn't know how to walk. The latter was a bit tricky for Marshall to understand too, the man has a real shoe addiction. I knew the boy soon had to get his own walk in closet.

Since Hayden's birth Marshall and I had grown even closer. The first time at home was like a rollercoaster but we went through it as a couple and came out stronger on the other side. Marshall thought that I was like born to be a mom but I was still insecure when new things came up, things I had no control over but he stood strong beside me and that was all I needed.

He had been to the studio a lot and to California to work with Dre. Hayden and I joined him to spend some real quality time with Nicole, Dre's wife. She adored Hayden of course and I could relax in her company, she knew exactly what she was doing as she had raised a handful of children before.

The album was great and Marshall had a whole lot of guests singing with him on the tracks. I met the most of them and they were really nice people. Some of them appear so hard and untouchable in interviews and in the magazines but they are quite soft and normal as you sit down with them. And all of them were overjoyed and humble to the fact that they were going to be on an album with Marshall. I mean, I know he's big and powerful in the industry but to see how the younger talents looked up at him as a role model, that's something extra. Marshall is not too keen with the attention though. He just want to make music.

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