Chapter 8

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I was so nervous I could throw up. Standing at the airport, passport in hand looking around me. I have never been anywhere before, never travelled, never been on an aircraft. What if we crash? My stomach started ache again. Well if we crash, I can say that I at least had some adventure. Even if it was a short one.

I went up to the counter and gave the smiling service lady an unsure smile back along with my ticket and passport.

"Good afternoon, miss" she said and smiled even wider "let's see how I can help you today".

I was shaking when I tried to inhale and exhale in a rhythm.

"Oh, your ticket has been upgraded. If you just wait here a sec I will call an attendant who can see you to the VIP lounge" she handed me my boarding card and passport and I stepped aside to let the next in line through.

Upgraded ticket. What does that mean? VIP lounge? I'm not a VIP. My head spun and just when I was going to faint a man in uniform approached me. He said my name, picked up my weekend bag and motioned me to follow him.

"Excuse me," I said to him "I think I need to buy something to eat before I trip over".

"No need to, miss. There's plenty in the lounge. I'll show you when we get there".

We went through a door and suddenly all the buzz from the departure hall stopped. In here there was soothing music and fluffy couches. My mood changed in an instant as the attendant showed me to the food and drinks area.

"Help yourself to anything you need". I thanked him and he put down my bag and disappeared.

The whole flight experience was of course really unnerving, but I had a very understanding flight attendant in the First Class section. When I told her that this was my first flight anywhere she did it her mission to do it the best I'll ever have after my first today. She handled me fruit and a glass of champagne, I usually don't drink at all but now I took it, just to ease my nerves.

After landing at Heathrow I gave her a big hug and left the air craft with a tad more confidence. When I came out through customs I saw a man standing holding a pad with my name on it.

"Miss Mathewson?" he asked and I nod.

He took my bag and I followed him to a black car. I was counting on taking the subway to the city, but this had been total luxury from the start. I remind myself to thank Em for pampering me like this.

Yeah Em. I've missed him so much but now that I was almost there I start to feel nauseous again. I was so nervous. What if he has changed his mind? Maybe he didn't want me there?

He just want you to warm his bed, slut! That's all you're good at, huh? Run around show off your body. Maybe he'll be lending you out to his friends so they can have their way with you too.

I closed my eyes and willed the words away. My father's voice always showed up in times of incertitude. I hated that more than anything. I just wished it would stop. Chrissy says that it will, when I feel more secure of myself. She was a born optimist though, so I didn't have my hopes up.

"We're here, miss" the driver said when he opened the car door and held his hand out for me to take as a support when I got out.

A man in a green uniform approached and took my bag from the trunk. I walked after him into the biggest hotel lobby I've ever seen. There were shiny marble floors, huge chandeliers in the ceiling, gold plated mirror frames and more green uniformed men and women. I felt so out of place that I wanted to turn and run.

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