Chapter 27

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~ Jenna's POV ~

We were on our way to Marshall's studio in Downtown Detroit and I was a nervous wreck. Last time I met his colleagues was at the fiasco at Heathrow when Marshall yelled at them for making me feel bad the day before at the big party after the last concert. I've thought about these sluts many times since then and I've wondered what makes a person that mean? To want to hurt someone they don't even know, just for some laughs, it's just middle school manners. Luckily they weren't here, but the homies were.

Now I sat in Marshalls big black Escalade and he was driving. I was fidgeting and he suddenly laid his big hand on both of mine just to keep me still. He startled me with his sudden move and I jumped a little in my seat

"Jenna, for fucks sake, I'm gonna crash the car if you don't stop" his voice firm.

"I'm sorry" I whispered and looked down and then closed my eyes and waited. My hart raced and I could feel my tears pricking in the back of my eyes.

"Hey baby girl" he said soft and lifted his hand and stroked my chin with the back of his hand. "I'm not gonna hurt ya, you know that".

"Okay, I'm sorry" I said again, nodded and opened my eyes still looking down.

He made a sudden turn and stopped the car at the road side. He got out with his Kangol cap on and his hoodie up so he wouldn't be recognized and stomped his way around the car to my door. He opened it and leaned in so he could unbuckle me and then he lifted me so I could be in his arms.

"I will never ever hit you, Jenna. I promise you that and I'm always gonna keep my word to you" he said with a muffled voice into my hair. "I don't want you to be scared of me. I can't live like that".

He's leaving me! I panicked and I felt my anxiety rise. He's saying he can't live like this he's giving up on me.

He sat me down in the passenger seat turned to him who stood outside the car. He cupped my face and kissed my lips.

"I'm sorry" I whispered again and he looked me in my eyes and shook his head.

"Stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for" he kissed me again.

"But you're leaving me" my tears filled up and he frowned at me.

"The hell I am" he said. "I'm not fucking leaving you, where did you get that crazy idea?"

"You said you can't live like this, that means you won't live like this" my tears flowed my cheeks now.

He lifted me out of the car again and held me tight.

"I'm going nowhere, baby girl. I meant that I can't live with myself if you're afraid of me" he explained and I tried to understand. "I just have to prove harder to you that I'm not a man who hit girls, you know what I'm saying".

"Sudden moves and some voice modes just scares me. I wasn't prepared" I say to him and he sits me back in the car.

"Are we okay?" he wonders and as I nod he moves around the car and gets in.

He looks over at me as I try to save some of the mascara I've put on, checking it in the mirror.

"Baby girl, you don't need that make up, ya know that right?" he asks me and I look questioning at him. "You're so fuckin' hot you gonna knock the socks off everybody anyway" he says and we both laugh as he drives off.

He holds my hand as we walk in the doors and by the reception. Marshall nods at the man behind the counter and takes me to the elevators. In there he gives me small pecks on my lips to get me to relax before we got off at the fifth floor.

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