Chapter 53

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I sat on the bedside on our bed and didn't know what to do. I had narrowed down my choices of dresses to three but I was still too unsure to decide which one I should wear. Marshall was nowhere to be seen and I couldn't really trust his judgement over this, he's too biased in this matter, he thinks I look stunning in anything.

I took my phone and text Hailie, she always knew what to wear and what will be suitable. I could hear her phone beep through the walls and sent a thought of relieve that we didn't had sex in our bed yesterday with these thin walls. A moment later she's knocked at my door and peeked in.

"Need help, Jenna?" she said and I showed her the dresses I've picked out. "Oh" she said and looked over them with a puzzled look standing with her hands at her waist. "Wait a sec" she said and headed out the door and I leaned forward and held my head in my hands.

You're so fucking useless. Can't even dress yourself. Do you know that they are kind to you only 'cus their dad needs to fuck?

I tried to straighten up and not let his voice come to me but it was really hard a day like this. I just hoped that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself.

You are a fucking fool, why wouldn't you act like one, stupid idiot.

Hailie was back and knocked again before entering. I stood there in my bathrobe and looked at what she had in her hands.

"I bought this last year but it's too small for me, wanna try it on?" she said and showed me a wonderful bone white cashmere dress with a wide neck, semi long wide sleeves and a length I thought would be to my knees.

I nodded and she held it up as I dropped the bathrobe on the bed standing before her in only my lingerie. She inhaled sharply and looked chocked as she brought her hand to my waist.

"He hasn't hurt you, has he?" she said and I thought that I would die of embarrassment as I shook my head. "I mean ... oh" she said and raised a brow when she understood what it was. "Well, this got kinda awkward" she glanced over at my flushing face and started to smile.

After a moment we both giggled until we lost our breath and she told me she was glad her dad wasn't in the room.

"Why?" I asked and she tried to hold a laugh in.

"He still thinks I'm like twelve and don't know that he has a sex life" she giggled and my face got crimson as I bowed my head. "Oh Jenna, I do know that ... you two are active, you know".

"Can we please talk about something else" I whispered and she helped me with the dress instead.

"It fits you like a glove" she beamed at me and I went over to the mirror in the walk-in closet and took a good look at myself. The dress was really stunning and my brown hair made a sharp contrast to the white wool.

I had, as always a hard time to see what she saw but I felt great in the dress. It was comfortable and that was a good thing as I would probably feel less comfy with the guest later. Hailie came in with the other dressed over her arm and looked around.

"Haven't you got your own space in the main closet yet?" she said and I shrugged.

"I don't need to take Marshall's space here I have my things in the guestroom" I said but she didn't look okay with that.

"So you're still a guest?" she said and I bowed my head.

I didn't want Marshall to feel that I was taking over his closet I was just fine with where my things were. I still felt like a guest in the house, everything was so new and I wanted it to take some time before I changed anything.

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