Chapter 81

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~ Jenna's POV ~

When I heard the screaming and yelling by the door, I knew it was Kim who had come over for an uninvited visit. I wonder what she was upset over this time and I decided to go out there to support Marshall. I leaped down from the counter and rinsed my hands from peanut butter and were just about to leave the kitchen as I heard Marshall shout out and then a massive crash. I snapped back and hunched down hiding myself behind the kitchen island. It sounded as a bomb exploded in the foyer.

I was so afraid I was shaking but I needed to get to Marshall so I started to crawl towards the doorway, very slowly and with my arms and knees feeling like jello. With every inch I moved forward, I prayed for him to be safe and that she wasn't going to hurt me if she saw me coming to his side. I peeked out through the doorway and saw dust and destruction, her big car was almost at the bottom of the stairs, there were bricks, wood and glass all over the tile floor. Then I saw Marshall.

My heart stopped for a moment and then I felt tears in my eyes. I wiped them away as I decided to go to him. He was so still I just knew he was injured. Oh please don't let him die. I can't live without him, I won't live without him. I looked over at the car but couldn't see Kim because of her air bag had inflated. I was scared out of my mind but I grabbed a clean towel and sneaked over the floor to where Marshall lay. I could feel glass and sticks hurt my feet but I didn't care.

"Please be okay, please please be okay" I whispered as I patted him down to see if he had some visible injuries.

I didn't find any but as if I was going to put his head in my lap to make it more comfortable for him I got blood on my hands. I put the towel to the back of his head and put pressure on it to stop the bleeding. I was standing on my knees and held him with both my hands as I heard a voice behind me.

"You bitch take your dirty little hands off him, gold digger" as I turned around I could see that Kim had stumbled out of the car and now was on her way over to us. "I swear to God bitch, I kill ya if ya ain't letting him be. Now!"

I was shaking of fear and she just kept coming closer to us. I knew that I had to protect Marshall because he couldn't protect himself or me right now. I didn't want to stop the pressure to his  head but I rose up slowly and looked for something to hit her with if she came any closer.

"What are you gonna do, midget?" she sneered at me. "Jump up and bite my leg as a little pathetic puppy?" she wobbled and I could see she was bleeding from a cut over her left eyebrow.

"Kim, you're injured. Marshall's injured. I need to call an ambulance" I tried as I backed off a little.

"I don't give a fuck!" she screamed like a maniac and I wondered if she was high on something. "You ain't gonna have my husband's baby, you see" she laughed a highly pitched laugh. "You are going to miscarry the fucking bastard kid!"

Behind her, I now could see Tom's face peeking in through the hole in the wall where our front door once had been. He motioned me to be silent and I nodded a little to him as he sneaked up against Kim who still walked towards me with hate in her eyes.

"You are going down bitch" she yelled and just as she was about to take a leap at me Tom grabbed her arm and forced her to lay down. He put a knee in her back and held her down until the police came a couple of minutes later.

I was already on my knees beside Marshall again keeping his head from bleeding with the towel. I didn't move until the paramedics came and told me to get out of their way. Then I fell to the floor and cried so hard I thought my eyes would pop out. Sam was the one who came and picked me up and carried me to another ambulance and he sat by me as we went to the hospital.

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