Chapter 39

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~ Jenna's POV ~

When I woke up I was a bit confused, where was I? I could feel Marshall's strong arms around me and decided that it didn't matter where I was, as long as he was there with me.

I opened my eyes and saw that we still were in the air, the sky all baby blue outside the windows.

I turned around in his arms so I could look at him sleeping. He must be all worn out worrying about me. He was snoring silently and his perfect lips was slightly parted. He looked so peaceful and I knew, deep in my heart that this man could never do anything to hurt me, not by will that is.

My talk with Tom had set my mind at ease. He had told me that Marshall never acted so satisfied and content as he did now, with me. He said that Marshall was happy, something he hadn't been for years. Tom couldn't tell me if Marshall loved me, but when I told him that he said so by the waterfall, Tom said that it had to be true, Marshall never lies.

I raised my hand and softly touched his lips with my fingers. I scratched my nails through his beard, that I loved by the way. I let my hand rest for a while over his jugular and I could feel his heartbeat's rhythm under my palm. I drag my finger over his ear and suddenly he startled me when he spoke.

"I hate my ears, they are so fucking big" he opened his eyes and gazed straight into mine.

"I think they're perfect" I said, my voice hoarser than ever.

I continued touching him, exploring his face and neck with my fingers. When I came back to his lips he kissed the tips of my fingers and I smiled.

"Jenna, what I said in the lagoon" he started but I put my fingers back on his lips and shook my head.

"You don't have to say anything" I sighed.

He took my hand and kissed my palm.

"But I want to. I meant what I said. I love you, Jenna and I will never ever let you go" he said and I inhaled deeply.

"Thank you" I said and I blinked away some tears. "I love you too".

He kissed my forehead and tightened his arms around me. My body felt exhausted but my mind was clearer than ever before. Maybe a breakdown once in a while is good for your health, I smiled at my own thoughts.

"Please don't shut me out like that again, Jenna. I don't know what to do when you refuse to talk to me" he said softly and stroked my hair.

"I'll do my best, but when the horrid voice in my head drown all sense in me, it's really hard to see the truth for what it is.

"This, you and me, is what I want." Marshall points his finger between us. "What we have here is important to me, don't ever question this, what I feel" he kissed me softly and I kissed him back.

A sudden knock on the door disturbed the peace and the stewardess announced that it was time to land and that we needed to buckle up for safety.

I felt embarrassed to meet her and Tom after my falling down but she only smiled at me and gave me a glass of orange juice and some fruit on a small plate.

"For your blood sugar, honey" she patted my shoulder.

Tom stood and nodded as we walked by him to our seats. I stopped and looked up at his face and then I gave him a hug around his waist. At first he didn't do anything but after a moment he patted my back in what I believed was a fatherly manner.

When I let him go and turned to Marshall I was prepared to have to explain myself, but he just sighed and gave me a small grin as he shook his head. We sat down and I looked out the window on Marshall's beloved hometown.

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