Chapter 83

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~ Jenna's POV ~

"We have to do something" Paul rubbed his head as he paced the living room floor in Dre's penthouse. "It started with the news about the car in your house, but now ..." he shook his head and sighed.

A couple of hours after we came to the apartment we had some terrible news. My mother had reappeared in the tabloids again and now she tried to make it sound as it all were Marshall's fault that I had gotten involved in this mess.

"Listen to this shit" Paul said and read from a paper who had a translation from a Swedish tabloid. "Jenna Mathewson's mother cries as she tells us how her daughter was lured into this fatal relationship with the disreputable rapper Eminem". Paul was frantic as he spat the words. "I swear to God Jenna, if I didn't know your background I would believe this shit".

I sat on the couch and my brain felt numb. My tears fell but I couldn't care. It was my fault that Marshall was drawn into this by my mother and I loathed her for it. He was the man whom had shown me what love is and what life really should be about, not her.

"The mother to the girlfriend of the notorious rapper Eminem dries her eyes as she goes on telling us about how she misses her little girl. We have reported earlier how the father of Miss Mathewson kidnapped her as a child and kept her away from her mother whom did all in her power to search for her beloved daughter". Paul was frantic and Marshall sat beside me calm on the outside but I could sense by his body language that he really wanted to kill someone right now, he was quivering and his breathing got erratic as Paul read on.

I turned my tear stained face to him and leaned in towards him to rest my face by the crook of his neck. Immediately he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me tight. I felt his increased pulse against my cheek and I gave his jugular vein a small kiss.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered to him and I could feel his whole body stiffen as he stopped breathing. "I never meant for you to get involved in my past".

He pulled away from me and held me at arm's length with a firm hold of my upper arms. He gave me a frenetic gaze and I turned away my eyes not to enrage him more.

Paul came to my other side on the couch and put a hand on Marshalls arm as if he wanted to snap him out of his trance. Marshall flickered and turned his eyes to Paul instead of me and I could hardly breathe.

"Calm your ass down, you are hurting Jenna" Paul growled between his teeth and within a second Marshall's hands loosened his grip of me.

He shot up from the couch and rubbed his head as he started to pace the floor. I was afraid that he would do anything stupid to himself and as I rose to go to him Paul stopped me with a hand on my arm.

"Not now, lil' one" he whispered but I gave him a glare he never seen from me before, who told him to back off. "He might hurt you" he said and I shook my head at him as I walked over to Marshall.

"Never" I said. "He wouldn't do anything that can hurt the baby". I wasn't too sure about his feelings for me right now, but the baby was safe I knew that.

Marshall stopped in his tracks and in the corner of my eye I saw Paul get up and slowly walk towards the door, letting Tom in. The both of them neared us as if they quickly needed to stop Marshall from hurting me. I raised my hand at them to stop them and looked Marshall straight in the eye.

"Marsh, please calm down" I said and he looked away shaking his head as he put his hands on his hips. "I know you're mad and hurt but please, can I touch you?"

He closed his eyes and inhaled and his lips moved as if he said something inaudible. He shook his head again and continued to silently talk to himself.

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