Chapter 85

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~ Jenna's POV ~

After our little break it was time to address the next subject. Before the cameras started to roll again I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and thought of how this could go down. It either could go good and everybody would understand how insane my mom was saying the crap she was saying. Or it could go straight to hell and everyone could see what a little bitch I ... No stop! I can't think like this right now. I need to preserve my tranquility and explain this as good as I could.

"Are you ready, baby girl?" Marshall whispered and took my hand squeezing it a little to get me back to the present.

I looked in his eyes and I saw the trust he had for me, he believed that I could do this and with than I felt confident that I could. I nodded and he looked up at Swift who told the crew to stand by.

"Anytime you want to cut, just say so okay" he leaned forward and I took another shaky breath and nodded at him.

"Well Jenna, another thing that has been buzzing around is the interviews your mother has done in Sweden, yes folks the word got all the way over here" he said to the camera and smiled a little. "How did you react to what she has been saying?" he gazed right at me and I could feel Marshall's grip of my hand tightening as he stroked his thumb over my knuckles.

I took another deep breath as I was thinking of running out the door and disappear, but instead I met his eyes and shook my head a little.

"Well, I haven't seen my mother since I was thirteen, that's sixteen years ago and for her to contact the media instead of getting in direct contact with me says a lot about her, I may say" I started out silently and careful not to work up the rage I felt about her.

"Ouch that's rough" Swift said and I could see Marshall nod in the corner of my eye. "She said something about your father holding you away from her, almost like hiding you or like a kidnapping situation, how do you see on that fact?"

"That is not a fact at all. My parents had a very disturbed relationship filled with abuse, both physical and mental. They abused each other as much as they abused me, the both of them although my father, who had his size to his advantage always was the worse of them. Both of them were alcoholics and drug users and I learned from a very young age to take care of myself and of them" I took another deep breath and looked over at Marshall whom I could see suppressed his real emotions by pressing his jaws together.

I gave him a little reassuring smile and looked back at Sway who seemed to wait for me to go on. I cleared my throat a little and got to it.

"When I was thirteen my mother told me that she was going to the grocery store and after that I did never see her again" I could feel the tears pricking my eyes and I did my best to keep them at bay.

"Was it at that time your father hid you from her? Did you know she was looking for you?" Sway's voice had gotten softer and I could see one of his legs started to jerk as if he couldn't control his feelings over this.

"He didn't hide me. We lived in the same apartment until he died almost two years ago. I went to the same school. Shopped in the same grocery store, went to the same library. She could have gotten to me any day. But she opted not to". My voice got a bit erratic as I swallowed my sorrow over talking about these things.

Sway had become a bit hoarse as he tried to address me with his next question. Marshall still stroke his thumb over my hand but I could hear that his breathing had become a bit more strained.

"So she never tried to contact you at all?" Sway asked.

"I didn't even know she was alive until she went to the tabloids in Sweden. She left me with the man who could beat me to death any day and she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew how dangerous he was" I said and a tear fell down my cheek as I thought of the fact that I could have been seriously hurt if my father had wanted that.

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