Chapter 25

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I can't believe I said that out loud to him. I'm so ashamed that I could fry eggs on my cheeks right now, that's how hot they are.

It wasn't that I didn't want him to know, but I didn't want to come on to him as the whore my father always said I was.

Damn, how could I be so stupid. Here I was, spilling my beans about my father's abuse and that's what's coming out of my prattling mouth.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"Jenna take your hands off your face for me, please" he said and I shook my head, still holding my hands up. "I need to tell you something and I want to see your beautiful eyes when I do".

"No" I said but I couldn't hold back a nervous giggle.

What was it with me? Maybe it was the relief of telling someone about my father's craziness who made me all jittery afterwards.

I could feel Marshall move to the side and I could hear a click from a lamp button.

"Nooo you said that I could talk to you in the dark" I told him behind my hands.

"About your asshole dad, yes. But now were about to talk about something different and then we need light to see each other's emotions, or I need to see yours not so good poker face, lady.

I continue to shake my head but the trouble was that my balance wasn't too good holding my arms up like this. Marshall could easily lay me down and straddle me to bend away my arms from my face. Now he hoovered over me and I close my eyes in one last attempt to flee his piercing gaze.

"Jenna, what I'm going to tell ya now is really important so please look at me" he tried.

I felt defeated so I did what he asked of me. I looked up into his beautiful face and I was lost again.

He let go of my arms and stroked his fingers over my lips.

"First of all, your ass hat father was wrong, very wrong. Every man is not like him and every sexual feeling is not wrong, it's just when you start dragging animals like donkeys and goats into the bedroom we need to ..."

I silenced him with a slap on his arm and a giggle.

"Stop Marshall" I said and he continued, with seriousness this time.

"What you feel when you're with me, if were just making out or if I make you cum in the kitchen" he smiled his crooked smile at me as I blushed and bit my lip "it's never wrong, okay. If I want you to do something you're not comfortable with you say so and we do something else, okay. If you start to hear his voice in your head again, please tell me so I can put you back on the right track again. I don't ever want ya to feel that this, between you and me is wrong, ya hear me".

"Okay" I say and he smiles a genuine smile at me.

"Good. Now to the other thing you said" he says and I squirm underneath him and take my arm over my eyes again so he can't see me. And as the last time he just takes it away, as if I was made of jelly or something.

"No please no" I wiggle under him but he's not moving.

"Jenna, again I need to see you when I say this" he makes it clear to me that it's no return now.

"You don't have to answer my craziness, you know" I tell him and peek up at him again.

"That was no craziness, I can show ya craziness, baby but first I need to talk to ya" he gets serious again.

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