Chapter 16

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~ Jenna's POV ~

We are on our way to Heathrow. The night before feels like in a mist. I feel embarrassed and ashamed to have laid it all out there, all my dirty childhood secrets, for him to see. To judge.

I've begged him a thousand times over to forgive me for loading it all on him, I know that it must have been too much to take in. I mean, how many women would stay at her abuser's side that long? Maybe he thinks that I liked it and that's why I stayed.

Chrissy have told me over and over that almost all abused women goes back to their abuser if they leave them, at least once.

I don't know why I stayed. I never left my dad, he left me. By dying.

Marshall must think that I'm crazy.

He was very silent at breakfast this morning, as if he was thinking of something really important. Maybe he's thinking of a way to get rid of me, to say good bye and never think of me again.

You shouldn't have told him, you dumb ass. Now he knows you are damage goods. Nobody wants you. You're so fuckin' disgusting.

I try to calm myself down by deep breathing, just as Chrissy shown me but the oxygen in the car doesn't seem to be enough. I start to feel lightheaded and I turn to Marshall.

He looks all immersed in his thoughts so I turn back so I don't disturb him more than I've already done. He's so different today. I think I've changed the way he looks at me, forever.

I was such an imbecile last night, believing that if I just told him, he'll understand. The only thing he understands now is that he doesn't want me.

Were finally here, at the airport. We are guided to the VIP gates and further in to a lounge. The artist from Marshall's entourage is there and my cheeks get all rosy. The last time I saw them they were all laughing at my expense backstage. With the strippers.

Today no one laughs. No strippers are around either, thank God. I hold my head low and don't make eye contact with any of them.

Marshall holds my hand and leads me further into the room. He walks with a pace that almost make me have to run after him. He seems pissed and I understand that he must be ashamed of me.

"Yeah" he suddenly shouts out "You should be ashamed of yourselves!"

My head snapped up and I could see the awkwardness in the other guy's eyes. Their body language spoke for it selves too, with crooked necks and avoiding looks.

You could almost cut yourself at the sweltering atmosphere in there.

I jerked at his hand and whispered to him to let it be.

"I'm fucking letting nothing be" he yelled and looked around in the room at each and every person in there. His gaze cold as ice.

"Hey Em, can we talk a bit in private?" Paul came up to us and put one arm around Marshall's shoulders. "Maybe in here?" he motioned us away to a secluded pantry.

"I have nothing to say in private, Paul" Marshall spitted out every word. "I need everyone to listen up and listen well. You all hurt Jenna yesterday. Severely! And by hurting her, you sure as hell hurt me too. Believe me when I say that actions against you will be taken as soon as were back home again. That's all". The room went totally silent.

He took me into the pantry and shoved Paul out of there. He breathed hard through his nostrils and his face was heated red. The veins on his neck stood out and he closed his eyes as an attempt to calm himself.

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