Chapter 99

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The next chapter will be the end of the Marshall and Jenna story. I want to thank each and every one of you who has been with me for this long. For every vote and every comment I owe you my deepest gratitude. I hope we meet again in another story, in another life, when another fantasy in my head needs to come out. Bless you all and stay safe.

~ Jenna's POV ~

To give birth was one of the most fantastic things I've ever been through. As soon as that little bundle was on my chest all the pain and distress I had felt just vanished and pure joy flowed through me. He was just perfect, our son with his pink skin and dark hair. He smelled heavenly and I couldn't stop thinking of how happy our family would be to meet him. As I woke up I opened my eyes and saw Marshall in the chair beside me and our son laying in a plastic crib on wheels between us. Marshall was sleeping and he snored a little. He must be totally drained the poor man.

I looked down on the baby and he looked just like his dad, adorable and snoring a little. I could hardly believe he was mine to keep. I sat up on the bedside and started to stretch my body, going through it to see how it felt. To be honest, it felt as I had been run over with a steamroller and my belly was still big but instead of being stretched out it now was like dough. Great, I thought, another thing to worry about. I can't let Marshall see me like this.

Just as I rose as was going to the bathroom the little baby started to whimper and move around in his crib and I froze. What was I supposed to do? I stared down at him thinking that he'll stop if I just sneak out of here. I was on my way as he yelled out and Marshall sat up and looked around all confused. I stood by the crib and my eyes went from the baby to Marshall in an attempt to get him to tell me what to do.

"Don't look so scared baby girl, pick him up" he said softly to me and I frowned at him.

"What if I ... break him?" I whispered and my heart beat so hard I thought it'll pop out of my chest any second. "I don't want to ... hurt him".

"Baby you won't hurt him in any way, you're his mom. He loves you already he just doesn't know it yet" Marshall said softly and came over that he stood beside me. "I'll be right here in case you need me".

I lean over the plastic crib and started to gather the blanket around the little one inside it.

"Just support his neck. That head is heavy as a bowling ball" he whispered and I picked the baby up and placed him on my arm.

I draw a deep breath and looked up at Marshall. He smiled at me and nodded at the chair he just had left and I sat down on it. I was trying to get comfortable but I was so tense I could hardly move.

"Here baby lay this under your arm" Marshall gave me a pillow and I did as he said.

I could finally relax a little and I looked down at the little baby in my arms. His big eyes looked back up at me and I felt tears of joy starting to build in the corners of my eyes. He was perfect. No, he was more than perfect. He was ... everything.

"Open your robe and give him your breast" Marshall said and I did as he said even though I had no idea what I was doing.

The little boy took a firm grip and started to suck. It was a very strange feeling but on the same time wonderful. I was giving my boy life and now I'm keeping him alive with my milk. As the baby was done he loosened his lips from me and now Marshall told me he needed to burp.

"What?" I said and he instructed me how it was going down with the baby on my shoulder patting his bum. "Thank you" I said to Marshall and he frowned at me.

"For what? he asked.

"I have no idea what I'm doing here so thank you for teaching me" I whispered and my cheeks got pink by the embarrassment of my total loss of knowledge.

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