Chapter 38

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~ Jenna's POV ~

He said he loved me. I don't think I was imagining it. When he orgasmed he said he loved me. But no, it can't be. I think he just said it because we ... had sex. He must have been delusional of the lust and ... the scenery by the waterfall and all. Yeah, that must be it.

Of course he doesn't love ya, you idiot. How could he, you're a fucking whore. Now he's got what he wanted he's gonna send ya sorry ass on a plane home to ya shitty little apartment. Don't ya get it? The blood on the fuckin' sheet wasn't proof enough for ya? You're used now, trash.

"Talk to me, Jenna" Marshall whispered in my ear as we sat on the jet on our way home.

Well home. It's his home. I don't know if he wants me there anymore. We had a fantastic time in Hawaii, he made the trip absolutely amazing and I will always be grateful that he chose me to come with him.

But now, I feel consumed and my anxiety is eating me up from the inside.

Was it worth it, bitch? Holding on to your virginity for him to pop it and in a couple of weeks he's forgot about ya? Stupid.

I tried to keep my tears at bay but it was hard. I needed to be alone for a moment.

"Excuse me" I said, stood up and rushed in to the bathroom.

"Jenna, what ..." I could hear Marshall call out as I passed by him.

I can't do this. He's been nothing than nice to me but we're going to his home now and with that comes his ordinary life. His job, his daughters. Oh God, Whitney. She's going to want to see her dad, what am I going to do then, hide in his house somewhere?

I suddenly got trouble breathing. I held on to the basin and stared at myself in the mirror, trying to get a grip. Did I look different than before the trip? Before the sex? Maybe I looked a bit tired and right now extremely pale of the lack of oxygen caused of my hyperventilation.

A sudden nock on the door woke me from my own despair and I tried to look as good as I could before I opened the door.

"Just a second" I gasped and the tears filled up my eyes again.

Damn it, I couldn't hide this from Marshall. He's been so sweet, but I can't keep clinging to him if he doesn't want me anymore ... Oh God it hurts. My sight got dim and the last thing I remembered is Marshall's knocking and that he screamed to someone to help him get the door open.

~ Marshall's POV ~

Jenna passed me in a hurry on her way to the bathroom.

She's been occupied of her own thoughts since the jet lifted in Hawaii and she blocked me out totally. I hate to see my baby girl like this. I know her childhood trauma plays games in her mind sometimes but I've never seen her like this.

Maybe she regrets the whole thing, giving herself to me. Letting me be her first. She was shocked when she saw the blood in the bed, maybe she would had wanted us to wait. Maybe she thought I was pushing her into it with this trip. FUCK! I needed to know what the fuck was going on.

When I banged on the bathroom door she told me to hold on and then there was a scuffle in there who gave me panic. I shouted at the stewardess and to Tom for help to get the fucking door open.

Jenna was laying on the floor all pale and she was bleeding from a cut on her forehead. She must have hit it in the basin falling over. I picked her up and carried her to the bed next door. I ordered Tom to get some water and a cold wet towel to wipe away her blood.

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