Chapter 90

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~ Jenna's POV ~

The wedding date were getting closer and I got more and more upset with the amount of money Hailie was spending. I tried to talk to Marshall about it but he just shrugged and said that it's normal costs for this kind of events here. I wasn't convinced and as I tried to talk to her again she just rolled her eyes at me and asked me a very uneasy question.

"Do you wanna arrange it by yourself from now on?" she smiled at me but I could see her patience was starting to dry up.

"No, but ... " I tried and she handed over a folder filled with pictures, notes, receipts and other things I couldn't even imagine.

"There you go, I can just sit back and enjoy the day then" I could feel her irritation and I bowed my head.

I didn't want to be a pain in her ass, I just wanted her to slow down with the purchases. I didn't like that Marshall's money just rolled over her hands and down in someone else's pockets.

"I'm sorry Hailie" I said quietly to her and pushed the folder away from me over the table in her direction. "I'm very grateful for all you are doing". My head was still bent and I couldn't help my tears from falling.

"Oh honey, I wasn't serious. I would never leave this project to anyone, it's too much fun" she said and walked over to me and hugged me from behind. "You know, wonderful days are remembered for the details" she kissed my temple "This is going to be the most wonderful day in your life, why don't have a blast while you're at it?" she whispered in my ear.

I understood how she was thinking but this day would be the best in my life even without the three thousand-dollar flower arrangements, but I decided not to give her more trouble for it. Besides if Marshall said it was okay it probably was.

"Are we okay?" I whispered to her and she hugged me tighter.

"Of course sweetie, you are such a cutie" she wiggled me from side to side as she giggled in my ear. "You know what, we need to do another fitting on the dress like soon" she sat down beside me and gazed at my belly who seemed to grow more for every day. "I'm gonna talk to the tailor in the bridal shop about how much bigger you are gonna get in these few weeks, they might know". She looked as in trance at the big bump I had now. "Is it ... I mean is it ...uncomfortable? I mean I was quite young when my mom had Whit".

I smiled at her and shook my head. Here was something I knew better than her, for once.

"When he kicks my bladder it's kind of ... unpleasant, other times he's just moving around and stretching out and that's not too bad. It's good to know he's alright in there" I told her and she looked with even more interest at the growing belly. "He's quite active now, do you wanna feel it?"

"Oh I ... is it okay with ... I mean you don't think ..." I giggled at her and took her hand.

As I lay it over my stomach and pressed against me a little to tease the little man in there and she held her breath. When she felt the first kick she yanked her hand back as if she burnt herself.

"Holy shit Jenna. That's really weird" she burst out and then she lay her hand on my belly again. "I can't really wrap my head around that fact that I'm going to be a big sister again". She smiled so brightly at me that my eyes filled up with tears of joy.

"You don't think it's weird ... I mean, your dad and me ..." I didn't really know what I wanted to ask her, maybe I just needed her blessing in this.

"No no it's not weird at all. You love each other and you even put up with his childish manners so you'll be just fine" she said still smiling.

"I'm scared to death to be honest" I said quietly and Hailie gazed at me. "What if I'm not ..." I turned my head away from her biting my lip in an attempt not to cry. "What if I can't do it, be a good mom?" I said and stopped my intentions to hold in my tears. "What if I fuck this up and the child grows up to be just like  .." I couldn't go on.

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