Chapter 92

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~ Jenna's POV ~

Marshall, you son of a ... I stopped my brain from the cuss as he smiled his crooked smile at me. He knew exactly what he was doing setting that trap for me to get stuck in. Now my family were going to be on me like a leach to do this. To be honest I kind of liked what I heard when he played the track with me on it but to let my voice out for the world to hear, no way. There were too many singers who were an awful lot better than me and who did this professionally, choose some of them. Or use Skylar again, she fit's like a glove to your songs. Damn him!

The rest of the dinner were joyful but when Ron started to yawn and Cynthia said that she needed some rest we thought of the jet lag they had to suffer. We said our good byes after Emily's been in contact with Whitney to plan a girl's day out.

"What time shall we pick you guys up?" Marshall asked Ron and he looked over at his wife.

"Around noon?" she asked back and we all nodded. "Sleep tight you two" Chrissy added and gave us both hugs before we went out the door.

They were coming to visit us tomorrow and luckily the weather seemed to be warm and sunny and we looked forward to a day at the pool. Marshall and Liz, his ... our helping hand at home had stacked the fridge with goodies and we planned a barbecue. Marshall's girls were coming too and I could feel my whole body beamed out with a blissful feeling.

"What's on your mind baby girl?" Marshall whispered in my ear as we went in the elevator.

"I just feel ... happy. No happy is a too simple word ... uhm ... elated ... no ... I'm on top of the world simply said" I smiled at him and I could feel my cheeks burn.

"That means you're not mad at me because of my little stunt with the song?" he hugged me from behind and put his cheek on my shoulder.

I raised my hand and stroked softly my fingers on the side of his head, his cheek, temple and neck.

"No Marsh, I'm not mad at you" I whispered and felt the heat rise in me.

The looks he gave me over the table when I challenged him to play the song were so hot I could feel them burning inside my core. Now I closed my eyes and tried to restrain my feelings towards him not to let him see that I wanted him that much.

"Baby girl are you cold, you're shaking?" he said and held me closer to his body.

Cold? How could I be cold when it felt like I was burning up inside? I shook my head as we walked out of the elevator and into the car. Marshall looked over at me, I could see it in the corner of my eye but I didn't dare to meet his gaze. That would reveal my feelings in a second.

"Talk to me baby, you know I can't stand when you're hiding from me" Marshall whispered and pulled me closer to his chest.

It remembered me of the first car trip we had together, from the arena to the hotel the first time we met. I was so nervous back then. Now he didn't intimidate me anymore, but he still had an inflammatory impact on me.

"Baby please tell me what's wrong" he pushed my chin up towards his face and I locked eyes with him.

Without a word his worried face changed and his frown disappeared. His eyes dilated and his face turned to chock.

"Oh?" he said and stared to smile a crooked smile at me. "I mean ... oh" he wiggled his eyebrows at me and sounded surprised.

Without telling him a word he understood my feelings right away. I thought of the telepathic thing Cynthia had told us about and knew this was just such a feeling he could see and feel without me telling him anything.

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