Chapter 40

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~ Jenna's POV ~

Marshall has yet another surprise for me. A couple of days after we came home from our little vacay he said that we're going for a field trip.

"This late?" I said and he nodded.

"It's only 8 p.m. You don't have to be in bed yet for a couple of hours, lil' one" he said and wiggled his brows at me.

"Do I need to change?" I looked down at my skinny jeans and my sweater.

"No you're perfect as always" he kissed me and dragged me to the door.

He was driving and we had no security with us. I knew that Marshall just wants to be a regular guy and that he uses to ditch the guards as often as he could but for me, this means alone-time out with my love.

I looked over at him as he easily steered the big car on the freeway to Detroit city.

"A clue at least?" I asked and he looked over at me.

"Okay" he was thinking thoroughly on what to tell me, not to give it all away. "I think you'll love it" he smiled at me.

"That's not a clue. I love everything you do for me and everything you show me" I whispered.

"Ya do, don't ya" he gave me his widest grin.

"Gimme something else" I said, biting my lip in nervousness for where we're going.

"I'll stop the car and give ya my dick if ya not stop chewing on ya lip right now" he was serious as he stared over at me.

I immediately stopped and looked over at him with cheeks pink of embarrassment, mostly because I imagined his di ... member taking me in the backseat of this car. He smiled, nodded and looked back at the road.

"I'll give ya a clue, baby girl, we are heading to ... a place filled with history" he sighed.

"A museum?" I guessed.

"Nope" he said and popped the p.

"I don't know, give me another clue" I begged.

"Nah, you asked for one clue and I gave ya one" he smirked and I could see that he enjoyed this perhaps a bit too much.

"Okay, so I can't make you give me one more little clue?" I lured and reached over and put my hand on his thigh.

"Oh baby, I invented that game you're trying to play now and believe me, you don't have it in ya to play this". He gazed over at me with eyes dark and I started to move my hand back but he catch it midway and brought it to his lips. "But I'm gonna be nice and give ya another clue".

"Thank you" I whispered.

"You're maybe gonna feel a bit homesick because of the thousands and thousands of familiar things in there". He smiled.

Homesick? I hadn't even thought of my home since we joked about it being the size as his living room. I knew that I have to go back there one day, but I was pushing that thought away because it made me anxious and sad. I didn't want to leave him.

"If it makes you upset we'll cancel, baby. I don't want to see you like this" he kissed my hand again and looked at my worried face.

"No I'm okay. I just got caught in my own thoughts" I tried to give him a smile but I could see he didn't believe me.

"Well, we're here" he parked the car, got out and opened my door.

We stood on the backside of a huge white building with beautiful architecture, arch beside arch in a long row with high windows. There were no signs that could give me a hunch of what we were going to do here. I frowned and looked up at him as we walked around the corner to the mail entrance. Then I saw what it was. No museum indeed, it was a library. 

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