Chapter 54

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~ Jenna's POV ~

The dinner went kind of smooth except for Kim who insisted of telling us about old memories she shared with Marshall and the rest of the family. No one gave her much attention but she kept it going and soon it drove Marshall insane. I patted his thigh under the table and he smiled at me and leaned over to me, whispering in my ear what he wanted to do to me as soon as the guests were gone. I bowed my head and felt the heat on my cheeks as well as I felt the ache in my lower belly.

It was time for another tradition in the Mather's home, everybody shall tell what they are grateful of and say thanks. I've never done it so we decided that I'll go last so I can get a hang of the idea.

Nate started and as the actor he is he made an impressive speech about his wife and their children, his brother of course and his mom. Hailie thanked God for her parents and her good grades in school getting her into the university. Debbie got a little emotional thanking for her children and grandchildren. It went on until it was just Kim, Whit me and Marshall left and Whit also began with thanking her parents and then she did something totally unexpected.

She thanked me. She thanked me for loving her dad and making him happy and coming over to Detroit to be with him. And for being her friend. I blinked away the tears in my eyes as I looked at her smiling like an idiot. Marshall got up and hugged her tight and I leaned over Ashley and reached out to Whit as she sat down, gripping her hand tight.

Marshall was up next and he had to take a moment to control himself after Whit's speech. Then he started to thank his daughters for being the best children any man could ever have. He said a couple of wonderful words for each and every one of them and then he thanked the rest of the family.

After that he turned to me and took my hand. I gazed up at him as he stood beside me and I smiled my widest to him.

"And to my Jenna, my fairy, my Goddess, my life. Thank you for trusting me, believing in me and loving me. Thank you for being so brave leaving everything to come live with me. Thank you for your kind heart and beautiful soul. You are my future. Thank you".

He kissed my hand and leaned down and gave me a soft peck on the lips. I dried my eyes and thought of how I ever could be able to say everything I want to him.

I rose from my chair and thought of all the love in the room, a kind of love that I've never experienced before.

"I ... I would like to say a few words" I started quietly and my cheeks flared as I fidget at my necklace. "I want t to say thanks to my brother and his family back in Sweden, I wish they could see me now, they wouldn't believe their eyes. Me standing here in front of you, talking" I smiled. "I would like to thank Hailie, Alaina and Whitney for letting me into your lifes, giving me a special bound to this place. Hailie a special thanks to you for being my personal shopper" Hailie blew me kisses and the others laughed.

"Marshall" I turned to him and he smiled and grabbed my hand. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. You have shown me love and that there's a life outside my shield. You are showing me the world and I'm forever grateful to you, and to Paul for nagging on you to have a meet and greet in Stockholm" the others chuckled and giggled a little.

"Thank you for sharing your home with me, your life with me, your family with me and your music with me" I bowed my head a bit, quite unsure of the next thing I was going to say, but I decided to say it anyway. "I love you with my whole heart, body and soul. Thank you".

I sat down and the silence in the room was total and I bowed my head in embarrassment and my cheek were flushing pink. After a moment I could hear some the guests sniffing and I looked up and saw Ashley and Debbie wipe their cheeks and Alaina fan her face with her napkin. Hailie and Whit smiled as they held each other and Marshall took my hand to his lips again and kissed it before he rose and leaned down and kissed my lips. He deepened the kiss and I forgot that everything around me even existed until he withdrawn and I could see tears in his eyes.

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