Chapter 97

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~ Jenna's POV ~

We had decided to postpone the honeymoon until after the baby was born mostly because Marshall thought that it wasn't safe for me to fly. We both wanted to go to the same hotel in Hawaii where we were before, when all this was new. It still feels new in one way but on the other hand it feels as if I knew him my whole life. I think it's because my life started when my father died and one year after that Marshall found me. I was so lost back then. I knew nothing about life, love, happiness or togetherness.

I stoked my big belly as I was thinking of all that happened since then and smiled looking down at it. The little man in there sure had energy, just as his father. It'll be hell to get him to read a book.

"A penny for your thoughts baby girl" Marshall whispered in my ear and I jumped in surprise, I hadn't heard him come in.

"Hey love, I didn't hear you" I said as I sat in the newly decorated nursery.

It was so pretty in here. We had decided to go for soft grey and blue shades and the little crib was just gorgeous. I sat in the comfy rocking chair in the corner by the window and as I looked up at Marshall I couldn't help that tears built in my eyes.

"Are you okay" he squatted down in front of me and rubbed my thighs. "Why you crying baby?"

"It's just silly" I said and he gave me a tissue from the little table beside us. "I'm just so ... happy" I sobbed as I smiled at him and I could see Marshall relax and exhale the air he had held in as he waited for my answer.

"Thank God I thought you were unhappy and regretted everything" he chuckled and I stroked him over the head.

"You talk rubbish" I said and tried to lean forward to kiss him but the belly stopped that and I made a frown.

"Move baby" he said and rose up and as I did the same he sat down and put me in his lap.

I put my nose in the crook of his neck and inhaled through my nostrils. I hummed and gave him a soft kiss.

"How do you feel today baby? Tired? Moody? Horny?" he said and as he actually wondered he couldn't help to joke with me.

I looked up at him and smiled telling him that one of the things he suggested was right. I winked at him and he wiggled his brows at me as he stood up and carried me into the bedroom.

"I love the pregnant you baby girl" he said as he sat me down on the bedside starting to undress me. "Nah that didn't come out right, I love the un-pregnant you too, but these hormones make you fuckable all the time ... damn I'm a lucky son of a bitch".

"Marshall" I said and my cheeks flared as I tried to look away of embarrassment.

"Oh no you don't" he said and grabbed my chin and turned my head back at him. "Don't you hide from me, you enchantress" he gave me a deep kiss and I could feel my heat rise in my lower belly.

To have sex with a pregnant woman sure wasn't easy, the belly was in the way all the time but Marshall was so caring and careful that I almost longed for him to be a bit rough and have his way with me. I wanted him to grab be as he had done before.

"Marsh I ... aaaaah" I said but at the same time he entered me I lost all words to the sensation of him filling me totally.

"You were saying?" he said as he drew back and as I was going to talk he filled me again. "You have something on your mind baby speak to me" he said with a crooked smile as he continued his slow sweet torture of all of my senses.

"Yes I ... yes" I said and he whispered to me to speak up, knowing exactly what he was doing. "Marsh" I said and looked up straight into his eyes. "Fuck me, Marsh. I need you to fu ... ". That was all I had to say for him to start thrusting harder and deeper into me, just as I wanted it.

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