Chapter 86

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~ Jenna's POV ~

It was a releasing feeling after the interview when we said thanks and bye to everyone who had been involved. It was as if I was high on adrenaline or something and in the car on our way home I couldn't help myself from smiling like an idiot and sing along to the tune on the radio. Marshall looked over at me and grabbed my thigh  after driven out on the highway.

"Ain't you in a stunning mood today" he said and smiled at me with his beautiful lips which I just wanted to kiss right now.

"It's just ..." I almost felt shy all of a sudden. "I just feel ... good" I stuttered and he squeezed my leg as I bowed my head not to show the pink cheeks I could feel I have.

"Baby don't hide" he said and I looked up at him under my lashes. "You are amazingly gorgeous and seeing you happy is my number one goal in life from now on".

"How do you think the fans will react?" I asked and felt a bit worried now everything was going out in the open about us. "Maybe we shouldn't tell them about the baby after all" I bit my lip and frowned as I stared out the passenger window.

"Baby everything will be okay, please don't let these thoughts destroy your good mood" he told me and I nodded as I tried to shake off the feeling of uncertainty. "And please stop shewing that lip before I cum in my jeans" he added and I giggled at him.

"I'm hungry, what do you wanna eat today?" I asked and he gave me a gaze and a crooked smile. "What?" I frowned at him and he smiled at me.

"I was thinking of taking you out tonight" he said and I smiled back at him as he chuckled at me. "You are so easy to please, baby girl".

"Were are we going?" I wanted him to tell me but it was a surprise he said. "What shall I wear?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"Anything that fits" he nodded at the baby bump and I gave him a wink with my eye and told him I surly had something.

Hailie had gone a bit overboard again finding me the cutest dressed and coolest pants at the mommy store in her favorite mall. I had told her not to buy too much things, I wasn't going to be pregnant forever but she just laughed at me as she said that was why she needed to hurry up with it.

Exactly seven o'clock that evening I went out of the walk in closet in the master bedroom feeling like a princess. The dress I wore was lovely, green shimmering empire style with a gold belt under my breasts, Hailie had done a very good job. I had curled my hair and put some makeup on. My diamond necklace and the matching earbuds were on too. I just had one problem and that was the shoes. Hailie had bought a perfect pair of high heels to match the dress but I couldn't get them on. My feet had swollen and I felt a bit sad to ruin her dress with a pair of flat ballerinas.

As I walked out in the living room in Dre's giant apartment where we still lived during the renovation of the house, Marshall were waiting for me. He looked up and took a long deep breath and closed his eyes as I walked up to him.

"Anything wrong, Marshall?" I wondered and he shook his head and looked down at me.

"No not at all baby girl, I just wanted to store the sight of you in my mind so I can look at it forever" he whispered and took me in his arms.

I smiled up at him and asked if he liked the dress Hailie had picked out for me. He leaned down and kissed me very softly and I could feel the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach before he took my hand and pulled me towards the door.

"Ready to go gorgeous?" he said and I nodded at him.

As he put my thin jacket over my shoulders I pulled the dress up a bit and looked down at my feet.

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