Chapter 67

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~ Jenna's POV ~

I didn't know what was wrong with me. Since we came home from Australia I've been feeling low. Marshall thought it was the after tour-blues that has got to me, but I don't know. Maybe I just need something to do? I have talked to him about getting a job but he thinks that I shall wait until I really knows what I want to do. He has even offered me a job at the studio but I said no to that.

"Isn't Shady Records good enough for ya, baby girl?" he asked me one afternoon as we just hung out on the couch doing nothing.

"I believe we need to be away from each other at some point just to miss each other tremendously" I answered him smiling against his lips as he kissed me.

"You're right, because when I miss you insanely I need you even closer when we meet" he said, wiggled his brows at me and put one hand inside my pants trying to touch me down there.

"Stop Marshall, Hay's picking me up soon, have you forgotten that?" I took his hand off me and kissed his palm.

"You're going to get a new shot, so I can get into your pants again, huh. See I do remember what you tell me" he smiled a wicked grin.

"Yeah, you do remember when it comes to your benefit later" I grinned back at him and he looked falsely hurt holding his hand over his hart. "I'm kidding baby, you always listen to me, I know that" I kissed him and he grabbed me and turned us around and I was underneath him in an instant.

I got saved by the bell as Hailey came and picked me up. She looked worried and frowned at me as I got into the car.

"You okay? She said and I glanced over at her as she stared at my face.

"I don't know, Hay. I feel so down, but don't talk to your father about it. He worries too much" I whispered and she looked back out on the traffic as she drove off.

"How do you mean low?" she was intrigued now and wanted to give me a diagnose.

"It's nothing Hay, just leave it. Maybe I just miss the sun from down under" I tried to laugh it off, but she just smirked.

Happily she didn't ask me anything else about me and my light depression mode. I didn't know how to explain my feelings to her because I didn't recognize them myself, it was hard to put words on a feeling you don't have got before.

"I need to drop you off and rush to a store while you're in there. That's okay by you?" she asked and I could feel my heart sank a bit, I didn't want to be alone in there but I guess I need to stand on my own two feet sometime, right.

"Yeah, I call you when I'm done, okay" I said and left the car and walked in to the reception and sat down.


"Has everything been good since last time, dear?" the doc sat on the other side of her desk and looked into my file and up to me.

"Y-yes I think so" I whispered and felt my cheeks heat up.

"You think so? You don't know?" she said and gazed at me over her glasses.

"Well yes ... it's been good. But the last week I've been feeling a bit down" I said and looked out the window not to meet her stare.

"Maybe you're lacking out on some vitamins or iron or something. Come here, we'll do some tests and your downiness will be scared away in a second" she smiled and I relaxed a bit.

Of course. I surely just miss iron or something. Some pills and vitamins will fix it all.

"This is now your third shot right?" she asked me but I'm sure she already knows that by looking in my file. "How do you think it is, have you had any bleedings or some other side effect?"

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